Archive for 03/10/2010

Obama Bets the Farm on American Stupidity Thanks Tpgow

Posted: 03/10/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

By Joy Tiz | Published: March 5, 2010

Joy Tiz


Decades of entrusting the federal government with our children’s education has led, inevitably, to the dumbing down of an entire nation.  Our public school system has failed to provide the most basic and elementary skills, while at the same time functioning as a ministry of propaganda for left wing causes.  The hijacking of our schools has been going on for decades; we are now experiencing the repercussions.

Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America would Barack Obama’s astonishing ignorance of American history have gone unnoticed.  Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America could Barack Obama have been elected to the presidency in the first place.  A man with no executive experience, deeply disturbing associations, and gaping holes in his history was elevated to the highest office in the land.

Fourteen months into his presidency, with nothing but an ignominious accumulation of failures to show for it, Obama is taking his last stand.  The only way he can overcome this mountain of fiascos is if Americans are every bit as dumb as he thinks they are.

The hill he is willing to die on is the health crimes depredation.  A wildly unpopular proposal-as opposed to an actual bill-that the citizenry has emphatically rejected.

If Obama can’t sell this heap of garbage, he relegates himself to lame duck status for the next three years,  and can forget about getting anything else on his boss’s agenda accomplished .

Our dumbness test is upon us.  Obama’s BFF, Valerie Jarrett,  broke down the Obama game plan for insulting the collective American intelligence:

“Could the Obama administration…write some much simpler booklets on housing foreclosure, on the health care bill…where as a typical person including those in the Tea Party could understand the basics of it? Cause I feel many of them simply don’t.  Do you think that is an analogy?”

Yes!  Start speaking more slowly and issue pop-up books and you’ll finally get those ignorant Constitutionalists converted to the cult of Obamanutz to receive the blessings of tyranny.

Obama himself thinks the real reason Americans are seething with white hot rage over his health care malapropism is because he just hasn’t spent enough time talking to us about it.

Adding insult to insult, Team O is now deploying the craziest of the liberal Left in yet another effort to confound the  mindless rubes.  The scheme is to send out such Lefty luminaries as Michael Moore and Doctor Demento Dean to rail against the shortcomings in the health crimes bill(s).  Although his conclusion is correct:  Democrats are disgusting, “documentary” film maker Moore  wants us to believe that Obama’s ideas are just too darned mainstream to appease the hysterical Left.

Former presidential candidate, and DNC chairman, the always restrained Howard Dean has been publicly kvetching:

“The plan, as it comes from the Senate, hangs out every Democrat who’s running for office to dry – including the president, in 2012, because it makes him defend a plan that isn’t in effect essentially yet,’ the former physician told ‘The Bill Press Radio Show.’”

Of course this makes no sense, it’s not meant to.  The idea is to convince sane Americans that Howard Dean is opposed to the Obama health care plan as it is written because it will be bad for Democrats; which in our simple minds means the health care plan must be really, really good.

But it’s when the big kahuna himself starts publicly scolding his little jackal that we know something is up. Unrepentant Nazi collaborator, the normally stealthy George Soros has suddenly taken to spanking Obama in public:  his failure to raise the nation’s deficits;  and his failure to seize and take over all of the nation’s banks .

We’re supposed to believe that Obama isn’ttaking orders from Soros after all.

Andy McCarthy at NRO is on to the ruse.  Quit celebrating Obama’s sudden decision to allow military commissions to try the 9/11 terrorists; it is yet another head fake aimed at cashing in on our perceived stupidity:

“The Washington Post article that Dan posted about last night is a head fake. President Obama is not caving on military commissions. He has already caved on them: He failed (thankfully) to abolish them, Congress enacted legislation endorsing them again in 2009, and the administration has already directed a commission trial for the Cole bombers.”

McCarthy warns that Obama will use his make- believe compromise on the civilian trials as a bargaining chip in exchange for closing Gitmo:

“The real agenda here is to close Gitmo. That’s the ball to keep your eye on. The Post is trying to soften the opposition to shuttering the detention camp by portraying beleaguered, reasonable Obama as making a great compromise that will exasperate the Left. The idea is to strengthen Sen. Lindsey Graham’s hand in seeking reciprocal compromise from our side.”

And what an ideal moment to make this seemingly momentous proclamation about the terrorist trials! Have they got anymore shiny objects to roll in front of us?  Lacking the capacity for original thinking, Obama typically falls back on those old-fashioned Cloward and Piven strategies for  keeping us dazed and confused.

Half of America’s voting population really was stupid enough to elect Obama in the first place.  Fourteen months of him have driven plenty of them to become  educated.  The Tea Partiers have gained ascendancy by laying bare this administration’s hidden agenda.  Once we were dumb, but we’re getting smarter by the minute.

The Recall of Mary Landrieu

Posted: 03/10/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

We The People Say: Move on

Louisiana citizens collect recall petitition signaturesThank you for showing interest in “These are the times that try men’s souls.” It is during this time that concerned citizens of Louisiana need to send a clear message to our Politicians at home as well as in Washington.

The message: they will be held accountable for their actions and their votes.

Senator Mary Landrieu took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. She also has sworn to “bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”

Why Move On Mary?

We use the acronym V.O.I.D.

  1. V= Violated

    She violated her oath of office to protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic, by voting for a bill that she has not read and she does not know who wrote it.

  2. O = Overreached

    In voting for this bill she allowed the federal government to encroach upon state rights.

  3. I= Infringed

    The health care Bill infringes upon Sovereign Citizens rights and can cause them to be put in jail, against their will.

  4. D= Deprived

    She deprives the citizen of Louisiana of equal representation by refusing to respond to the people whom she represents.

Ruben would like to challenge everyone of you to join us. As a real patriot you know something is wrong and this is a start to taking back our state and our country,
1 signature at a time.

RecallSenatorMaryLandrieuPetitionSigningLouisianaBe sure to visit often for updates. And please join in the discussions under our forum menu. If you are interested in signing a petition there are District Administrators and Parish Coordinators that you can reach on the Contact Page. We are in real need of volunteers and you can do that using the Volunteer Page.

This is a grass roots recall being organized by people like yourself. There is always a need for donations which you can do by clicking Donate. Once again, thank you for your deep concern about your State and Your Country. We salute your patriotism.

Friends and Supporters of

Upcoming Events

March 9, 2010 District 4

  • Volunteer Meeting
  • Location: Inn of Iberia on Admiral Doyle in New Iberia
  • Time: 7PM – 9PM
  • At this meeting, we will discuss the Door-to-Door campaign that we are starting and the Drive-thru petition signing that we are hosting this week and next.

March 10th, 2010 District 4

  • Door-to-Door Campaign
  • Location: Dauterive Hospital on North Lewis Street in New Iberia
  • Time: 9AM
  • We will be hosting a door-to-door petition signing campaign starting on March 10th, 2010 and ending March 19th, 2010. We will be meeting at Dauterive Hospital at 9AM the first morning of the campaign to pass out ID badges, petitions, clipboards, and flyers. Then we will start knocking on doors. We need as many volunteers as possible for this effort!

Recall Articles.

Drive Thru Petition Signings.

Louisiana citizens collect recall petitition signatures

  • Currently volunteers in Lafayette and Sliddell are collecting signatures in “drive-thru style”.

Other States Recalling

Other states with active grassroots Recall Efforts.


The Broken Common Bond

Senator Mary Landrieu broke the Bond. “These are the times that try men’s souls.” See video below.

The Precinct Solution

This explains the Precinct Strategy. See video below.

The Trial of the Century

Posted: 03/10/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

This is not a 'collapse', it is an explosion!


1. Destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall acceleration
2. Improbable symmetry of debris distribution
3. Extremely rapid onset of destruction
4. Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes
5. Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally 600 ft at 60 mph
6. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking
7. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds
8. 1200-foot-dia. debris field: no “pancaked” floors found
9. Isolated explosive ejections 20 – 40 stories below demolition front
10. Total building destruction: dismemberment of steel frame
11. Several tons of molten metal found under all 3 high-rises
12. Evidence of thermite incendiaries found by FEMA in steel samples
13. Evidence of explosives found in dust samples
14. No precedent for steel-framed high-rise collapse due to fire
And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.
1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)
3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”

<!–WTC Building 7–>
WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibits all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives: (and some non-standard characteristics)
1. Rapid onset of “collapse”
2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor – a full second prior to collapse
3. Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at free-fall acceleration
4. Imploded, collapsing completely, and landed mostly in its own footprint
5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds
6. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly-qualified witnesses
7. Chemical signature of Thermite (high tech incendiary) found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples by physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.
8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples
9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional
10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY
And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.
1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)
3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”.

Sheriff Trains Citizens for ‘Operation Exodus’

Posted: 03/10/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

David Knowles Writer

AOL News

(March 6) –Terrorist attacks and natural disasters often happen without warning. For one Louisiana sheriff, that’s reason enough to start training a 200-member paramilitary force — just don’t call it a militia.

Larry Deen, the sheriff of Bossier Parish, told the Shreveport Times he came up with the idea for “Operation Exodus,” a volunteer corps made up of parish residents, shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

It was in the tense hours after planes flown by terrorists felled the World Trade Center and slammed into the Pentagon that Deen and his men guarded then-President George W. Bush at Bossier City’s Barksdale Air Force Base, roughly 340 miles northwest of New Orleans.

Nearly nine years later, Deen put out a call to prospective volunteers, and “Operation Exodus” finally became a reality. Some 300 of Bossier Parish’s 110,000 residents responded, and of those, 200 have been chosen for training. The first classes began this week. Just five of those approved for combat roles are black and there are no women.

When asked by the Times whether the newly formed group could be described as a militia, Deen bristled. “We run from that word,” Deen said. “We’re just the opposite of that word.”

“The main thing that we’re trying to do,” Chief Deputy Doyle Dempsey said in a video posted on the department’s Web site, is “set up a prevention mode to implement during Operation Exodus. And what the means is, if we can show an overwhelming show of force prior to any major incident taking place, we can hopefully prevent it from starting before it ever happens.”

A lifelong resident of Bossier Parish and a former president of the Northwest Louisiana Chapter of the Cops for Christ, Deen describes himself as a deeply religious man. His bio on the sheriff’s office Web site proclaims that he “answers to his God and to the citizens he serves.”

Indeed, Deen said in a press release that the name for Operation Exodus came from the Old Testament, and later told the Shreveport Times that its realization is a “calling.”

“In the Book of Exodus, the Israelites were totally on their own,” the press release reads, “learning to be self-sufficient and handle everything along, just as the [Operation Exodus] plan provides.”

While publicity materials stress no specific terrorist threat to Bossier Parrish, the cover to the group’s training manual states, “Somewhere right now your enemy is training so that when he meets you he defeats you.”

Weapons such as .50-caliber machine guns purchased by the sheriff’s department are at the group’s disposal so that it can protect resources such as grocery stores and gas stations against the dual threats posed by “homegrown terrorists” and natural disasters.

According to the Times, Deen’s department will also make shotguns, riot shields and batons available to the members of Operation Exodus.

“Being prepared is the key,” Deen said.

Filed under: Nation, Crime, Top Stories

Training Session For LA Sheriff’s ‘Operation Exodus