Archive for 03/24/2010

Enough of Democrats

Posted: 03/24/2010 by tpgow in 2011

Had Enough of Democrats?

I can’t find the words to express my true outrage at what the Democrats did in ramming government controlled health care down our throats.  As the vote took place, it was a surreal moment, as if I was watching America being tortured.

I asked myself this question.  Could the Democrats have gotten away with this, without the black vote?

What I find amazing is just how ignorant black Democrats are in supporting these pimps.  For all their loyalty, black Democrats have gotten nothing but crumbs, handouts from the government, none of which helps  blacks or America in the long run.  Though I won’t blame black Democrats solely, I do blame them for allowing themselves to be used in such a pitiful way.  It is moments like this that I wish I had a machine that would allow silly Negros to see just how all this help from the Democrats will mean to black folks.  Wait, I have such a machine, and the vision it reveals is generational welfare for blacks!

Tens of thousands of true American patriots marched on Washington recently, millions more have held rallies, putting our time, energy, and finances into thwarting DeathCare.  The outcome:  DeathCare.  The Democrats used their legal minds to get around the system, and told the American people, we are smarter than you.  So far, they are!

Our problem on the Right is we are constantly talking about 200 year old white guys in wigs!  Most people didn’t like history, when they were forced to learn it in school, what makes you think they care now?  All this talk about the Constitution and Founding Fathers is NOT bringing youth and diversity to the Conservative movement.

And if stealing part of Rush’s or Hannity’s audience is the goal, then some pundits have been successful…preaching to the choir!  At the end of the day however, there is NOBODY bringing youth and diversity to the Conservative movement…except The Black Sphere.

Being blunt: It’s time we had a bigger audience.

I can’t tell you the number of times, when I have yelled at my radio at one of the Conservative pundits mishandling of a caller, particularly a black caller.  The constant mea culpas for slavery or Civil Rights is sickening.  Bulletin: The Republican Party has nothing to be ashamed of with respect to slavery or Civil Rights, and I would happily debate ANY Democrat on this point!

Here’s the problem.  Republicans can’t convince black people not to vote for the party that voted 200 times to hang black people!  Does anybody except me see a problem with this?!

Many Americans donated money to Scott Brown, and will continue to do so to the next “flavor of the day.”  What will we ultimately get?  Democrats ramming even more legislation down our throats with clandestine meetings, subverting existing laws and more importantly the Constitution! They get away with this because they OWN black people!  Black people are the most loyal voting block and the squeaky wheel. Democrats can DEPEND on blacks in every major city to rally black people to the Democrats’ evil plan.  Think about it…in every major city there is at least ONE extremely vocal well-known black poverty pimp! Do you think that is by accident?!

When black people begin dissenting with Democrats, Democrats can accomplish nothing.

Our team will begin running billboards soon, with sayings like…

In 2007 there were as many black men in prison, as in college. Thank a Democrat! Vote Republican!

If the businesses in your neighborhood are owned by all other ethnicities except yours, you live in a black neighborhood! Vote Republican!

If your church spends more time talking about Obama than God, you attend a black church! Vote Republican!

We produce a series for radio called Great Moments in Democrat Racist History, audio clips that educate with humor and satire, that we plan to offer to radio stations all over the country.

My team is working on a pilot TV show that lampoons Liberals, and we believe will do a lot to bring a younger audience to the network we will pitch.

The point is that we are actively LIVING our mission statement:

To bring youth and diversity to the Conservative movement, educating with satire and humor in order to put racism and elitism where they belong…on the Left.

Here’s the wrap:

The Democrats’ vote on DeathCare proves that they could care less about the will of the American people. There is only ONE thing keeping their little extortion ring in business, and that is black victimology.  If we break this, we break them.

Frankly, I have funded my operation long enough, and it is time that America sees what I have said in my book The BIG Black Lie, and in about everything that I do, which is Liberals are uncontrollable and are the most destructive force in American politics.

Stop donating money to lost causes, and support this team.  I know there are some who will think this is about me or my team, well it’s not. It’s about America.  We are spending BILLIONS of dollars to fight losing battles, when the answer is right in front of our eyes.  Let’s change the fight.

The reason the black Conservative is the most despised person to Liberals is they fear us!  They know that black Conservatives are “carriers.”  We have a gene called “common sense” that can infect black Democrats and wake them from their stupor.

If you trust the message of this team, then DONATE to this team! Get others to do it.  Because in the long run, changing the hearts and minds of black people is THE best thing for America…and the cheapest.

When do YOU want it to start?  The war on poverty has cost $7 TRILLION so far! Not counting what Obama has added to the price tag?

That’s my rant!

No copyright! Share this with EVERYBODY sick of watching America being dragged through the sewer of Liberalism!


Posted: 03/24/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

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By Kelleigh Nelson
March 24, 2010

We know the Obama healthcare overhaul has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s all about control, and specifically population control. In 1973, the supreme court found for Roe in an unbelievable 7 to 2 decision that abortion was legal. Since then 50 million babies have been murdered in their mother’s wombs in the United States of America, where LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is promised in the Declaration of Independence.

In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Committee on Economic Security (CES). The CES was assigned the task of studying the need for an economic security system to provide income for the elderly and disabled. Care for those unable to work was traditionally provided by family members or, in limited cases, by the government. Roosevelt recognized the need for a national system. In January 1935, the CES issued a report to President Roosevelt outlining a plan for a national program of economic security. This plan ultimately became the Social Security Act (SSA), which was passed by Congress on August 14, 1935. It has become a government “Ponzi” Scheme.

In the summer of 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed into law Medicare and Medicaid, representing part of his “war on poverty.” At his elbow was former President Truman who was the first to suggest “healthcare” for all Americans in 1945. Needless to say, this too is a form of Ponzi Scheme.

Here we are 37 years after legalized abortion, 45 years after the “great society,” and 75 years after Social Security was enacted. Had 50 million babies not been murdered, they probably would have been working Americans today that could have helped to fund the government Ponzi Schemes for the now retiring Baby Boomer generation. But of course, that was not part of the plan. The real plan is population control. Now that the Baby Boomers are old enough to be a drain on the already insolvent social security and Medicare, the world order planners need a program to quickly eliminate the costs of this huge portion of the population. And how do they accomplish this plan? Quite simply, government controlled health care will guarantee rationing, especially to the elderly whose last years are the most costly. Eliminate the care, and the elderly pass more quickly without the drain on the government Ponzi Schemes. The plan is to eliminate the huge and costly group of Baby Boomers who are now draining Social Security and Medicare.

Here’s what former Senator Tom Daschle said in his book, Critical, “. . . The elderly have a responsibility to die, knowing that they are not going to survive their chronic illnesses, so that society can save money and pump funds into care for the younger, more worthy recipients.”
(I wish Tom would go first)

The elimination of the population of the world was started long ago by Thomas Malthus who lived from 1766 to 1834. In 1798, Malthus wrote an essay that basically stated population would continue exploding to the point where the earth could not support nor properly feed the burgeoning population. Prior to Malthus, population was considered by governments to be an asset. Malthus said that by 1890 there’d be standing room only in the world.

It was Ben Franklin that inflamed Malthus by mentioning in a talk that the colonies were growing at a rate of 3% a year. He couldn’t imagine sufficient grains being grown to feed the people at the exponential rate of growth, especially of the poor. He felt such a fate could only be avoided by severe measures. The death rate in his country of England was declining because of the Industrial Revolution and better housing and nutrition. Malthus proposed to undo all this. He wanted to encourage forms of destruction to the population by overcrowding, filth, and the hopes of a return of the plague. His diabolical views are most repulsive and as an Anglican minister, I believe he enjoyed funerals more than baptisms.

Malthus’s views were accepted by many, especially one Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin. He proposed a policy of active “eugenics,” meaning “good births.” He wanted more children from the fit upper class and fewer or none from the poor so that evolution of humanity would prosper.

Then along came Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Although Malthus was content to wait for natural diseases to check numbers, and he opposed contraception and abortion, Sanger on the other hand wanted to totally stop the “unfit” from conceiving children. She desired the government to “sterilize the feeble-minded and insane.” Perhaps some have seen the documentaries of those in the 20s and 30s who were simply deaf and were sterilized as they were thought mentally deficient.

Sanger’s original organization, called the American Birth Control League, had clinics all over America to “serve” the poor and disabled. Her project attracted those who were wealthy eugenicists of the day. She wanted to create “a race of thoroughbreds.” Her supporters included Rockefeller, Duke, Scaife, Lasker, Sulzberger and Dupont.


Of course the Nazis well adopted the eugenics policies of the United States and “quality” control of breeding in Europe. We all know what happened in the concentration camps. Despite Hitler, John D. Rockefeller 3rd drew up the draft charter of the Population Council in 1954. Rockefeller and other men of great wealth placed control of population on the national agenda, inasmuch as they were watching rapid growth in Latin America, Africa and Asia because of the elimination of infectious diseases and the teaching of missionaries. With his own money, Rockefeller set up the Population Council in 1952. It still exists and the elimination of huge portions of humanity is considerable. Unfortunately, along with his fellow super-rich friends, he worked quietly behind the scenes to convince the U.S. Federal government to sign on to his agenda.

Rockefeller joined with Hugh Moore and Moore used a book by William Vogt (the national director of Planned Parenthood) entitled, “The Road to Survival,” to stimulate controversy and frighten people into fear of an explosion of mankind. Rockefeller’s old friend William Draper, was appointed by President Eisenhower to chair a committee to study foreign aid, and at this point both Moore and Rockefeller seized their chance. Moore saturated the financier, Draper with the horrors of overpopulation, and argued about economic aid being wasted because of population growth. So, in 1959, the Draper Report came out and it was the first official government report to endorse population control.

Thus was the beginning of the most anti-God, anti-Biblical programs that were not only adopted in America, but throughout the world. I could list countless epidemics and infectious diseases that have eradicated millions, as well as wars and government tyrants who have killed their own people by the millions. Here are just a few statements by those who believe in population control (albeit never of the elite) and environmental protections:

“In order to stabilize the world population, we need to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” — Jacques Cousteau, in an interview published in the UNESCO Courier, November 1991.

“We need compulsory birth regulation…[through] the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food.” – Paul Ehrlich, professor of population studies and biology at Stamford University and author of “The Population Bomb.”

“AIDS is not a malediction, but the welcome and natural remedy to reduce the population of the planet. Should human beings disappear, I surely wouldn’t mind.” (I’d like him to go first) – David Foreman, co-founder of the radical environmental movement Earth First! And co-founder of the Wildlands Project, as quoted in European newspapers, June, 1987. As an aside 31 million in India are dead from AIDS, 18 million in China, and by 2025, an expected 90 to 100 million in Africa.

“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” — Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, writing in a foreword to “If I Were An Animal.”

“Right now there are just way too many people on the planet. A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels would be ideal.” – Ted Turner who voiced the reason behind the mass spraying of deadly substances over the masses. (Once again, you go first Ted!) (We’ll discuss these sprayings in another article)

Corrupt governments worldwide have murdered millions upon millions in the 20th century, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mao, Lenin, Chowchesko, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Those of you that know American history and have watched our decent from a representative republic into a dictatorial socialistic state already know the depths of depravity that have occurred here on American soil. In Deuteronomy 30:19, the God of the Bible says, CHOOSE LIFE. Our government today is continuing population control and thus control of the smaller populace via their unconstitutional “healthcare” reform, which has everything to do with control of the populace and destruction of the best healthcare industry in the world.

The present administration is, in high speed, doing the calling of the elite that are behind the scenes. The destruction of our beloved country and her people seems to be at hand. I don’t know that we can overcome, but I do know that my God answers prayer.

It’s up to us to fight this horror and to pray like we’ve never prayed before. May God have mercy on us and on our beloved nation.


1- Population Control-Real Costs, Illusory Benefits by Steven Mosher
2- I Can’t Believe You Said That by Fred Gielow

© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.



Posted: 03/24/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

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By Rabbi Nachum Shifren
March 24, 2010

Dorsey High School is touted by many, with a certain amount of pride, as one of the larger African American campuses in the unwieldy Los Angeles Unified School District. “Dorsey Pride” is the mantra yelled out at all the football games, and the Dorsey “Dons” are regularly visited by college football scouts for the depth of its football program.

For those of us teachers that remained outside of this sportsman’s Valhalla (99% of us), our lot was one of damage control and toeing the line when it came to grading, testing, and dealing with irate coaches whose superheroes dipped below that fatal 2.0 grade point average.

A star halfback was a student in my Spanish class. He needed a passing grade to remain above that sacred mark of 2.0. His problem? Essentially, he was unfortunate enough to be one of my students. In my naivete, I simply gave grades out according to PERFORMANCE. Sounds logical, right? I knew I had a tiger by the tail when I started getting visits by the football coaches (all 5 of them) during my lunch break.

“Isn’t there any make up work or extra credit he can do?” was the standard query. And they no doubt had in mind the standard results of such pressure.

“Well,” I replied, “he hasn’t been coming to class which is critical for a language class. Hardly turns in any homework, and doesn’t participate during our class discussions. I’ve asked him to seek tutoring, and even volunteered to help, but my requests have been ignored. With all that we are working on, the last thing he needs to do is EXTRA WORK.”

The situation festered, worsened, and the pressure was ratcheted up each passing week. The coaches begged him to get help, seek tutoring, accept the offers from the teacher for mentoring–nothing doing. This was a student that put more faith in his cozy relationship with his girlfriend than in sucking up and getting down to work.

A letter writing campaign ensued, with community “activists” coming out of the woodwork, with hysterical claims that I didn’t understand the “culture” of the African American students, and was “insensitive” to their “humanity.” One malevolent letter sought to shift the blame on me, pointing out the failure of the student being caused by my teaching him “Hebrew” instead of Spanish! Protocols of the Elders of Zion, LA in-the-hood style!


What ensued next was for me a radical departure from teaching practice and ethics, yet I willingly let this student review the final exam, at home, BEFORE THE FINAL WAS TO BE GIVEN. I made it clear to the coaches, activists, principal, press, and “multiculturalists” at Dorsey and without, that since the final was cumulative, a passing grade would be considered a passing grade (“D” grade) in the final class grade. No way, no how, unbelievably, the student failed the exam. He lost his scholarship to USC, and all hell broke out.

If you’re wondering about Obamacare, if you’re scratching your head about the hell-bent march toward Marxism that this country is on, look no further than our schools and the pathetic excuse for what passes for “education.”

WE ARE FRIGGIN BABYSITTERS! There is nobody to tell the students that they need to turn off their i-tunes, CD’s, stop smoking pot or doing drugs, stop gang-banging, stop throwing things at the teacher and fellow students, stop bullying, hitting, intimidating, swearing…in short, we have lost control of our classrooms and schools.

Now, the educrats and the unions don’t want to let you know what’s going on in the classroom. But the reality is that we’re setting up our millions of students for a Marxist take-over of our land. THERE IS SIMPLY NO INITIATIVE, DRIVING IMPULSE TO EXCEL. We’ve defaulted to a “group” mentality, where every student is treated equally. Nobody can fail, it’s “I’m OK, you’re OK”, and then you graduate.

In all areas of our curricula, it is the patriotic American, the achiever, the doer, the one who is superior and stands out–he is the problem. The dumbing down of intellectual endeavor and effort is so pathetic as to nearly guarantee that any babbling demagogue running for office will be acceptable. And if the person is one of color, the assumption is that that candidate is the better one. Our students have lost that sensitive consciousness about the value of national freedom and individual liberties. In short, national survival has been ripped out of their active vocabulary.

Race mongers have infiltrated our schools, seeking to divide us through “multiculturalism”, instead of focusing on building up the INDIVIDUAL, equipping him with the skills needed to be independent. As a result of the myriad attacks against rugged individualism and hard work based on MERIT, the low level of expectations has produced a generation relishing the “hope and change” of a an ideologue who hates America and is striving to destroy it.

As this new reality settles in and becomes more entrenched, our youth will grow to accept that they can do nothing without the help of government. This has been, from day one, the goal of Obama. To cut entrepreneurship and individual performance off at the knees, supplanting it with socialism.

The challenge for America is now twice as difficult as at any time of our history. We have degraded our schools to such a point that any brute displays of rugged individualism and independent thinking is taken as either racist, culturally “insensitive,” or not pursuant to the needs of the “group” (sheep).

A football coach buddy of mine was out sick, and it was decided that I would cover his 4th period soccer class. Out of 60 students, 5 came out of the gym suited and ready to play. I was incredulous and asked what was up with the rest.

“I don’t like sweating,” one kid whimpered.
“It’s too hot,” cried another.
“We just want to chill.” was the pathetic wining of the BIGGEST KID IN THE CLASS.

You want to know where the acceptance of the first openly Marxist president in America’s history has its deep -rooted support?


© 2010 Nachum Shifren – All Rights Reserved

Rabbi Shifren is a southern California native. He graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in Spanish and German literature. He has been a language teacher in LA City schools since 1992. He is also fluent in Hebrew.

Rabbi Shifren received his ordination in Jerusalem in 1990 and is a talmudic scholar. Having lived in Israel for nearly a decade, he has been an observer and commentator of developments in Israel, the Israeli and foreign press, and the recent rise of Islamic Jihad.

He is also the dirctor of “surf and soul” surfcamp, where teens learn self-discipline, proper attitude, and physical fitness. A Malibu surfer since 1962, he is known universally as the surfing rabbi. Through his seminars and classes, he has taught thousand the challenge and thrill of wave riding and the postive aspects of the surfing life style.

Rabbi Shifren has declared his candidacy for the Calif. State Senate in 2010, and is the only candidate to openly pledge to oppose the advent of Sharia law in the United States. He is a tireless supporter of individual freedoms and preserving the distinctive greatness of America, her language, and culture. Known for his no-nonsense approach to education and prison reform, Rabbi Shifren is in his own class of patriotism and staunch conservative values.

Rev. Jesse Lee Petersen said: “If we had 10 more teachers like Rabbi Shifren, we could turn America around tomorrow.”




Posted: 03/24/2010 by Lynn Dartez in Christian

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By Chuck Baldwin
March 24, 2010

Passage of the so-called “health care reform” bill in the House of Representatives this past Sunday, March 21 (I won’t even address the inferred unconstitutionality of Congress doing business on the Lord’s Day. See Article. I. Section. 7. Paragraph. 2.) drove yet another stake into the heart of America. For all intents and purposes, it is the health of the United States that is in dire need of healing. In fact, the US has been on extended life-support for decades. With its condition being rendered critical, and absent major surgery, its days are numbered. The passage of this bill only serves to further weaken an already frail Constitution. In fact, this one may prove to be the fatal blow. Lady Liberty may never recover.

The decision by Congress to socialize medicine in the US ranks among the most draconian, most egregious, most horrific actions ever taken by the central government in Washington, D.C. This bill rocks the principles of liberty and constitutional government to the core. It changes fundamental foundations; it repudiates historical principle. Oh! The same flag may fly on our flagpoles, the same monuments may grace our landscape, and the same National Anthem may be sung during our public ceremonies, but it is not the same America. The Congress of the United States has now officially turned America into a socialist state.

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the health care bill into law, and as such, this date–along with March 21–joins a list of dates that have each inflicted unconstitutional, socialistic, and sometimes even tyrannical action against the States United and have, therefore, contributed to the destruction of a free America.

April 9, 1865

This is the date when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to U.S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Regardless of where one comes down on the subject of the Civil War, one fact is undeniable: Abraham Lincoln forever destroyed the Jeffersonian model of federalism in America. Ever since, virtually every battle that free men have fought for the principles of limited government, State sovereignty, etc., have all stemmed directly from Lincoln’s usurpation of power, which resulted in the subjugation and forced union of what used to be “Free and Independent States” (the Declaration of Independence). In fact, the philosophical battles being waged today regarding the recent health care debacle (and every other encroachment upon liberty and State power by the central government) have their roots in Lincoln’s tyranny.

July 9, 1868

This is the date when the 14th Amendment was ratified. This amendment codified into law what Lincoln had forced at bayonet point. Until then, people were only deemed citizens of their respective states. The Constitution nowhere referred to people as “US citizens.” It only recognized “the Citizens of each State.” Notice also that citizenship was only recognized among the “several States,” not among people living in non-State territories. Until the 14th Amendment, people were “Citizens of each State.” (Article. IV. Section. 2. Paragraph. 1.) The 14th Amendment created a whole new class of persons: “citizens of the United States.” This false notion of “one nation” overturned the Jeffersonian principle that our nation was a confederated republic, a voluntary union of states.

February 3, 1913

This is the date when the 16th Amendment was ratified, and the direct income tax and IRS were instituted. This was a flagrant repudiation of freedom principles! What began as a temporary measure to support the War of Northern Aggression became a permanent income revenue stream for an unconstitutional–and ever-growing–central government.

April 8, 1913

This is the date when the 17th Amendment was ratified. This amendment overturned the power of the State legislatures to elect their own senators and replaced it with a direct, popular vote. This was another serious blow against State sovereignty. The framers of the Constitution desired that the influence and power in Washington, D.C., be kept as close to the people and states as possible. For example, the number of representatives in the House of Representatives was to be decided by a limited number of voters. In the original Constitution, the ratio of “people of the several States” deciding their House member could not exceed “one for every thirty thousand.” (Article. I. Section. 2. Paragraph. 3.) And when it came to the US Senate, the framers also recognized the authority of each State legislature to select its own senators, thereby keeping power and influence from aggregating in Washington, D.C. The 17th Amendment seriously damaged the influence and power of the states by forcing them to elect their US senators by popular vote. The bigger the State, the less influence the State legislature has in determining its US senator. Senators who answered to State legislators, each answering to a limited number of voters, are much more accountable to the “citizens of the several States” than those who are elected by a large number (many times numbering into the millions) of people. For all intents and purposes (at least in the larger states), US Senators are more like “mini-Presidents” than they are representatives of sovereign states.

December 23, 1913

This is the date when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This Act placed oversight of America’s financial matters into the hands of a cabal of private international bankers, who have completely destroyed the constitutional principles of sound money and (for the most part) free enterprise. No longer would the marketplace (private consumption, thrift, growth, etc.) be the determinant of the US economy (which is what freedom is all about), but now a private, unaccountable international banking cartel would have total power and authority to micromanage (for their own private, parochial purposes) America’s financial sector. Virtually every recession, depression, and downturn (including the one we are now experiencing) has been the direct result of the Fed’s manipulation (again, for its own purposes and with Washington’s cooperation) of the market.

June 26, 1945

This is the date when the United Nations Charter was signed and America joined the push for global government. Ever since, US forces have spilled untold amounts of blood and sacrificed thousands of lives promoting the UN’s agenda. Since the end of World War II, in virtually every war in which US military forces have been engaged, it has been at the behest of the UN. And it is also no accident that America has not fought a constitutionally declared war since we entered the UN–and neither have we won one.

Furthermore, it is America’s involvement in the United Nations that has spearheaded this draconian push for a New World Order that George H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Walter Cronkite, et al., have talked so much about. The United Nations is an evil institution that has completely co-opted our US State Department and much of our Defense Department. It is an anti-American institution that works aggressively and constantly against the interests and principles of the United States. But it is an institution that is ensconced in the American political infrastructure. Like a cancer, the UN eats away at our liberties and values, and both major political parties in Washington, D.C., are culpable in allowing it to exert so much influence upon our country.

June 25, 1962, and June 17, 1963

These are the dates when the US Supreme Court removed prayer (’62) and Bible reading (’63) from public schools. At this point, these two Supreme Court decisions were the most serious affront to the First Amendment in US history. Think of it: from before a union of states was established in 1787, children had been free to pray and read the Scriptures in school. We’re talking about a period of more than 300 years! Of course, the various State legislatures–and myriad city and county governmental meetings–still open their sessions in prayer, as do the US House and Senate, and even the US Supreme Court. But this same liberty is denied the children of America. There is no question that America has not recovered from these two horrific Supreme Court decisions. In effect, the federal government has expelled God not only from our public schools, but also from our public life! And America has not been the same since.

October 22, 1968

This is the date when President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Before this Act, the 2nd Amendment was alive and well in the United States. The Gun Control Act of 1968 turned a right into a privilege and forever forced the American people to bow to the altar of government when seeking to arm themselves. Interestingly enough, this Gun Control Act mirrored Nazi Germany’s Gun Control Act of 1938. In fact, the Gun Control Act of 1968 is almost a verbatim copy of Hitler’s Gun Control Act of 1938.


Our Founding Fathers could never have imagined that governments within the “several States” would ever be allowed to deny the people’s right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it was the attempted confiscation of the firearms stored at Concord, Massachusetts, that triggered the War of Independence in 1775. That the people of Massachusetts would be denied their right to keep and bear arms, as they are today, could not have been foreseen–and would never have been tolerated–by America’s founders.

Yet, most of the hundreds of draconian gun control laws that have been inflicted upon the American people have all come about as a result of the Gun Control Act of 1968.

January 22, 1973

This is the date when the US Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, which, in effect, legalized abortion-on-demand. These two decisions expunged the Jeffersonian principle that all men are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life (Declaration). Since then, more than 50 million unborn babies have been legally murdered in their mothers’ wombs. Abortion is, without a doubt, America’s national holocaust. It has opened the door to a host of Big Government programs and policies that have resulted in the wanton destruction of human life both in the United States and overseas. It has created an entire industry whose express purpose for existing is the destruction of human life. It has desensitized the conscience and soul of America. Furthermore, it has forced men of decency and good will to finance–with their tax dollars–the unconscionable act of killing unborn children.

And once again, another Jeffersonian principle was eviscerated. He said, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” The Roe and Doe decisions violate this principle in the most egregious manner possible.

October 26, 2001

This is the date when President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, and the federal government’s war against individual liberty began in earnest. Most of the unconstitutional eavesdropping, snooping, wiretapping, phone call intercepting, email reading, prying, financial records tracking, travel watching, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, by federal police agencies began with the implementation of the Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Security and the “war on terrorism,” which have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people worldwide, and the usurpation of federal power at home, have all come about as an outgrowth of the Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act has forever shifted the focus of American law and jurisprudence against constitutional government and individual liberty, toward a police-state mentality. The Patriot Act is even turning our local and State law enforcement agencies into military-style “Jackboots,” where police officers see themselves not necessarily as guardians of the citizenry, but, as often as not, as adversaries, where citizens are deemed to be the “enemy.”

October 17, 2006, and October 9, 2009

These are the dates when President G.W. Bush signed and re-signed the Military Commissions Act. This Act is the outgrowth of the Patriot Act but has, in effect, terminated the fundamental protections of individual liberty, which are found in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act eviscerated the 4th and 5th Amendments, and do serious injury to several others. The Military Commissions Act also expunges the constitutional right of Habeas Corpus.

March 21 and 23, 2010

These are the dates when Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” the so-called “health care reform” bill that we spoke about at the beginning of this column. While Social Security and various Welfare programs have toyed with socialism in the United States, this bill is the largest and most expansive endorsement of socialism in American history. This bill socializes some 18% of the US economy by socializing the health care industry in America. The fallout and ramifications of this bill are going to be horrific.

When future historians review the demise of our once-great republic, they will observe that the above dates, including March 21 and March 23, 2010, were the dates that destroyed America. The American people have been far too tolerant for far too long.

People concerned about the future of freedom and prosperity in America should line up quickly and demand that their respective State legislatures and governors resist this new health care bill, even to the point of refusing to implement it in their states. More than 30 states are threatening to take the health care bill to court. But states must do more than that. They must follow the lead of the State of Virginia and pass legislation refusing to comply with it. Yes, I’m saying it: it is time for another State rebellion! If states do not stand up and draw their lines in the sand now, it will be forever too late.

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© 2010 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

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Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.

Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, “Chuck Baldwin Live” This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet and newspapers.

To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: When responding, please include your name, city and state.


IRS Needs $10 Billion to Be Nation’s Health Enforcer

Posted: 03/24/2010 by Lynn Dartez in Feds


Tuesday, March 23, 2010
By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

IRS income tax forms.(AP file photo)
( – The Internal Revenue Service will function as the government’s chief enforcer for health care reform, should President Obama sign the bill into law as expected, monitoring both businesses and individuals to certify whether they have the insurance coverage the government requires.

The tax collection agency will be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the individual and employer insurance mandates which form the backbone of the Democrats’ hard-won reforms.

The bill states that the purpose of the mandates is to regulate “economic and financial decisions about how and when health care is paid for, and when health insurance is purchased.”

The mandates require that all Americans carry a minimum level of health insurance or pay a separate tax for every month they are without such coverage. All employers with 50 employers or more will also be required to provide their employees with that same minimum level of coverage.

While that minimum level of coverage will be defined at a later date by the Department of Health and Human Services, it will be the responsibility of the IRS to monitor individuals and employers and to punish those who do not comply.

Under the bill, which passed despite bipartisan opposition March 21, starting in 2014 the IRS would be responsible for monitoring which employers are complying with the mandate and which ones are not. The IRS would begin such monitoring of individuals’ health insurance status in 2014 as well.

The IRS would monitor individuals and businesses’ health insurance statuses through the mandatory reporting the bill requires. Under the law, every individual and most businesses are required to report to the IRS, on their tax returns, whether they have purchased or provided the required level of coverage and disclose to the IRS which months, if any, in which they failed to do so.

Using this information, the IRS would then determine whether an employer or individual falls under the mandate, which contains exceptions for religious conscience, hardship, incarcerated persons, and members of Indian tribes.

If either an individual or a business has failed to comply with this mandate for any month out of the year, they are required to pay a separate tax to the IRS. For individuals this is a maximum of $750 per person (up to $2,250 per household) and $750 per uncovered employee for businesses.

Because these penalties would each apply on a monthly basis, individuals and employers would have to pay 1/12th of the maximum penalties for each month they failed to comply with the mandates.

In order to carry out its new monitoring and enforcement duties, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the IRS will need $10 billion in additional funds, funds which were not made available under the health reform bill.

An analysis done by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that this $10 billion could go to fund an additional 16,500 new IRS agents and other personnel to monitor and enforce the new mandates.

“[T]he IRS could add more than 16,500 additional agents, auditors, examiners, and administrative support personnel to enforce large portions of the nation’s health insurance system,” the report said.

The IRS will also be in charge of collecting the new taxes on high cost insurance plans and on so-called unearned income from couples making over $250,000 per year and single filers making over $200,000 per year.

Both of these provisions could be modified should the Senate approve a budget reconciliation measure the House also passed March 21. Whichever final form they take, they are both direct taxes and thus will be directly administered by the IRS.

Because these new mandates and taxes are under the purview of the IRS, taxpayers and businesses could incur additional penalties normally reserved for normal income tax cheats, paying fees over and above those for not complying with Congress’ new mandates.

The IRS currently charges potentially hefty penalties for, among other things, filing false or fraudulent returns, filing late returns, and failure to pay a tax on time.

Taxpayers and businesses could be hit with these extra penalties because they are required to use their tax returns to prove to the IRS that they are complying with the mandates and because they will have to pay any tax penalties to that agency as well.

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Control of the people

Posted: 03/24/2010 by tpgow in 2011
Fire Andrea Mitchell!

John Dingell admits that Obama taking steps to put legislation together to control the people

Waxman-DingellEither John Dingell has finally gone senile, or he had another rare moment of admitting the truth. Dingell, who has been a Michigan Representative since 1955 was on the WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show with host Paul W. Smith on Monday morning, March 22, 2010. The night before, Dingell had been a featured speaker at the Democrat Congressional leadership victory press conference after Obamacare passed the House. According to the American Thinker, in response to a question posed by Smith, Dingell said the following

Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.

Slip of the tongue? The truth just seeping out? Or is Dingellberry just going senile. You can decide for yourself.