Archive for 03/22/2010

Reasons to be pissed about the health insurance bill

Posted: 03/22/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

by Josh Fulton

The health insurance bill passed, and it’s one more triumph of the federal government over individual rights. All statists, rejoice! You’ve managed to succeed in having Big Brother intrude into one more aspect of your life. I, for one, am not happy about it, not only because I don’t like living under the watchful eye of Big Brother, but also because I know that American health care used to be run in a very different way.

The government originally got involved in the health insurance industry in the 1920’s, because health insurance was originally too inexpensive. That’s right: too inexpensive. At the time, “fraternal societies,” of which one-fourth of Americans were a part, contracted with individual doctors to provide health coverage for lodge members. This was such a good deal for the lodge members that lodge members only paid $2 for an entire year’s worth of coverage. This is while non-lodge members paid $2 per visit to a doctor.

Well, that didn’t last too long. The American Medical Association lobbied Congress to make it so that in order for a doctor to practice medicine in a state the doctor had to be licensed by the AMA. Congress agreed, and that was the end of the fraternal lodge insurance practice. The AMA made sure that its members did not contract with any more lodges. After all, the medical profession had its image and profits to protect.

The government continued to interject itself into the health care market and to screw it up. Licensing requirements expanded. Insurance companies could no longer compete across state lines. Tax exemptions for employer-sponsored health insurance were introduced during World War II as a way to get around wage restrictions. Medicare was introduced (which despite rallying cries to the contrary, is not doing well.) Congress even carved out an antitrust exemption for health insurance companies. If there were ever a case against a government-created monopoly, it may be health insurance.

As we can see, government intervention has taken us from inexpensive health care to health care that costs 1/6 of our GDP and is increasing in cost at four times the rate of inflation. Of course, the option of repealing the laws that brought us to this place is never brought up. No, government expansion is only brought up. But government expansion is not the solution. Government is not a creative force. For its very existence, it must take from private industry. Government expansion did not get us out of the Great Depression, and it won’t get us out of this.

All this isn’t even to mention the fact that the bill is an economic disaster. It does not decrease costs. It increases costs. The CBO has already estimated that it will increase costs for the individual market by 10 – 13%. Each person in the individual market will also have to spend on average $5,800 for an individual plan, and $15,200 for a family plan. Also, despite Obama’s proclamations that this plan will save $118 billion over ten years, when Medicare is included the entire bill winds up costing over $600 billion over ten years. That’s right. All these claims of cut costs are just based on accounting tricks.

I, however, think the situation is even worse than they’re claiming. The Washington Post says that 19 million people will receive subsidies of $6,000 to help pay for their plans. 19 million * $6,000 = $1.14 trillion. That’s right: trillion. This is simple math, but for some reason this number is never mentioned. I think that much like with Bush’s estimated costs for the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003 and the Iraq war, we’re just being told numbers on the low side to make things more palatable to us. Once the smoke clears, that’s when we get the real numbers. …Personally, I hope this bill covers treatments for a hemorraging national debt.

Of course, this doesn’t even account for the potential government intrusion into our privacy. This bill nearly doubles the IRS’s budget. Why would the IRS’s budget nearly get doubled as a result of this if the government didn’t have plans to look more deeply into our personal lives, and to keep more detailed records on us? Not to mention that the House version of the bill allowed for the “real-time (or near real time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service” (aka looking into your bank account) and for “enabl[ing], where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims” (aka taking money from your bank account if deemed necessary.) I have no reason to believe that language is not in the final bill.

This bill is a mess. I’m glad that people are angry, but we need to get even angrier. We need to support states in their efforts to nullify this law. Thirty seven states have already said they intend to do just that. If we can get states to once again be bulwarks against the federal government, then we’ve succeeded, even if for a while we have to endure the government looking into our records and telling us to turn our heads and cough.


Posted: 03/22/2010 by tpgow in 2011

Restoring Constitutional Government

Longknife 21

Friends and Fellow Patriots,

It is Sunday morning, March 21, and it appears that ObamaCare will be passed, by hook or by crook (literally). We know this is just the beginning of a huge Big Gov’t Socialist Boondoggle based on lies, false promises, hiding costs, and the overwhelming arrogance of a Usurper President leading a bunch of starry-eyed Lefty/Libs intent on creating a Socialist, unconstitutional, Federal Gov’t far different from what our Forefathers intended, most of us want, or many of us fought and bled to defend against, a Totalitarian Socialism. Tyranny by bureaucrats at the behest of a mob is no better than that of a despotic King or Dictator.

If we are to stop this perversion of our Constitutional Republic, we must attack the source of the problem, not the result. We must do this quickly to prevent the intended further erosion of Constitutional Law and Gov’t. We must clearly recognize our Enemies are, discover their Allies, and map their strategy, to effectively counter their plan to take over our Nation. Toward these ends I humbly suggest the following be made as MAJOR Campaign issues for all Congressional Candidates:

  1. Repeal ObamaCare. Any healthcare reform must have tort-reform, reduce fraud, have honest proven accounting, do away with unfunded mandates, and be gradually integrated into the systems that now work.
  2. Pass the Bricker Amendment, or similar legislation, to clearly state that the Constitution is supreme over any treaty. This is necessary because Obama & Co. want to use a UN treaty to do away with the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
  3. Audit the Federal Reserve. Return more control of our money to Congress.
  4. Pass legislation to send “The 28th Amendment”- Congress shall pass no law that applies to the People, but does not apply to them; and shall pass no law that applies to them and not the People – and send it to the States for ratification.
  5. Term limits – 3 terms as Congressman, and 2 terms as Senator.
  6. All internal Official Business to be conducted in English only! Exceptions for law enforcement and diplomacy. NO Foreign Language BALLOTS!
  7. Define Natural Born Citizen as born in US jurisdiction with both parents US Citizens. Native Born Citizen as born in the US under US Jurisdiction- both parents legal immigrants or citizens. Children of US citizens born abroad, not under US Jurisdiction, are automatically eligible for US citizenship if they pass Naturalization requirements. Naturalization requirements should be 5 years residency or service under US Jurisdiction, read & write English, pass a written test on the Constitution & Constitutional Law and History of the US.
  8. Immediate deportation of all illegal aliens, enforcing visas, and securing the ports and borders, as well as passing legislation defining citizenship, as a condition of any “Immigration Reform”
  9. Federal Judges serve under conditions of “Good Behavior”. Congress must define making unconstitutional decisions as “Bad Behavior” and start impeaching, trying, and removing offenders.
  10. Repeal the 17th Amendment, “Popular Election of Senators”. This is a failed experiment in ‘Democracy’ that has led to more mob-rule. The Senators are supposed to represent the States and should be chosen by the State Legislatures to represent the interests of the State.
  11. Every Bill submitted in either House of Congress must stipulate what Article and Section of the Constitution authorizes the power to establish and enforce the law.
  12. Pass legislation removing all sexual and reproductive matters from Federal jurisdiction. These belong to States and the People.

Any Candidate that does not support the Constitution, or would infringe on the Bill of Rights, should be immediately discarded.

These 12 issues will make a good “Report Card” to judge the suitability of any candidate.

We must start by getting real Constitutional Americans elected to Congress in 2010. Ones who will not sell out for personal gain or Party pressure. They are elected to represent their constituents, not the Party National ‘Leadership’!  If you have a Constitutionalist running in your district as a Democrat, warn him/her that their ‘leadership’ is anti-Constitutional, the ‘Democrats’ are now Communists, and so they march under the banner of America’s enemies, and therefore they should consider running as an independent or Independent/Democrat. I don’t say this lightly, I consider myself a Jeffersonian/Jacksonian America-First Democrat whose Party has been highjacked by a bunch of radical Socialists, One World Utopians, and Totalitarian Elitists. Idiots, criminals, and Enemies of Liberty all!

It has taken these Enemies since 1913 to create the mess we have today, so the repair and restoration will not be quick or easy. The first step is to elect a House of Representatives that WILL represent the American People and defend us from the depredations of the greedy mob, the criminals, and the Elitist Oligarchy. And to replace 1/3 of the Senate with Constitutionalists, not Opportunists and Socialist Ideologs. Perhaps that will change the inertia of the Beltway Buffoons from their lemming-like rush over the cliff of communism.

We must continue to encourage our Congressmen and Senators to block any further Obamunist legislation, Cap & Trade, immigration, any more spending on ObamaCare or ObamaCorps, or any other legislation that adds to the deficit or increases the size and power of the Federal Gov’t.

Until we can find out the real cost and effects of ObamaCare, NO MORE socialist changes!

The States should continue to work on State Sovereignty resolutions, ObamaCare bailout options & lawsuits, and Firearm Freedom Acts. States should start considering secession and re-alignment in a new Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately, that may be the only way to overcome the arrogance and hubris of the District of Corruption.

The Enemy Down The Street

Posted: 03/22/2010 by Lynn Dartez in Land of The Free

hristian conservatives in the United States have been fighting a massive two-front political war for control of government that they have been steadily losing since 2005. They have one more chance—and only one more chance—to get it right. If they fail to grasp the realities of this political struggle and fail to correct the mistakes they made in 2006 and 2008, the United States of America will no longer exist as a sovereign nation by 2015. We will have come full circle, and once again we will be a subservient colony shackled to the cast iron apron strings of Mother Europe.

By the end of the next decade, the United States of America will become eviscerated by a government that will unconstitutionally weaken our defenses to appease those who fear us. The US government, which fears the American people even more than it fears any foreign enemy, will launch a new stealth attack against the people with the help of a complicit federal judiciary and the utopians of the New World Order which knows that world government cannot be achieved as long as the law-abiding citizen protectors of liberty in the United States are armed. Fifty-four years or so after it was written in 1961 by John F. Kennedy advisers, AIC Director and Council on Foreign Relations policy wonk Robert Lovett, John McCoy (who would head the US Arms Control Agency), and Kennedy Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, State Department Publication 7277which detailed the need to disarm the American people as a necessary precursor to world government—will ultimately succeed in promulgating an end-run around the 2nd Amendment by criminalizing the private ownership of guns through the UN Global Gun Ban Treaty.

By mid-decade we will be at the mercy of our pseudo-allies and socialist and fascist friends in Europe, Asia and the Mideast. Our laws will emanate from the Hague, and the value of the fiat we call money will be guaranteed by a greatly expanded International Monetary Fund that has been globally-endowed by the international money barons as the master central bank of the world. The global monetary system is a work in process, initiated by the G-20 world leaders who view the disemboweling of the US dollar through a 15-year Chinese-Mexican spending spree that created massive trade deficits on top of Barack Hussein Obama’s reckless $3,579,000,000,000.00 (that’s three trillion, five hundred and seventy-nine billion dollars if the zeros have you baffled) bank-breaking spending which forced the nation-states who viewed the US dollar as the safest currency in the world to jettison the dollar as their reserve currency.

It doesn’t take a Rhodes Scholar with an abacus to realize that, with compounded interest added, the Bush-Obama bailout spending spree created a generational debtload that our grandchildren and our great, great, grandchilden will be paying off for the next 100 years—providing America still exists as an independent nation a decade from now. The debt will be crushing and will destroy not only the American middle class but the global middle class—except in the emerging economies where the human capital of the 21st century will begin to prosper as we did during the advent of the industrial age in the United States and Europe.

When liberty falls like the last curtain of a very bad Hollywood production, anyone who understands the precepts of Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations that were woven into the Constitution, and which made the United States the greatest republic on Earth, will scratch their head in bewilderment as they ponder the question: how did this happen? But even more important, they should be asking why did it happen? Or better yet, we should be asking, why did we let this happen?

In 2005, shortly after his second inauguration, President George W. Bush was pressured by the money barons to begin repaying them for his two-term guest pass at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The princes of industry and the barons of banking and business were now ready to introduce the grandest wealth scheme in the history of the world. They just needed a little help from the politicians of the industrialized nations whose careers they financed. It is important for every voter on both sides of the great divide to understand that, in politics, there is no such thing as a “strings free campaign contribution.” Fat-cat donors always expect a quid pro quo. There is no other reason to donate money. Political donors buy access for their money—always. During his two runs for the roses, President George W. Bush raised over $1.2 billion. His backers were largely investment bankers, transnational industrialists and oil tycoons. There are close, personal ties between the Bush family and the Standard Oil dynasty. The Bush family had much closer, more personal, generational financial ties with the American banking families which owns all of the shares of the Federal Reserve than any previous 20th century president since Franklin D. Roosevelt—including Barack Hussein Obama who gave the largest banks in America direct access to the hip pockets of the American taxpayers in order to “solve” the financial crisis that threatened to topple all of the central banks of the world. (t is important to note that the financial crisis Obama was attempting to solve was not an American problem. There was no financial crisis here even though the Fed created one on paper, and then deliberately collapsed the credit market so the taxpayers would feel the pinch bad enough they would not object to the “cure.”

The cure came in the form of $3,239,500,000,000.00 of stimulus money (that actually became $71,664,000,000,000.00 when you throw in the interest that will be paid, over time, to the Fed for “loaning” us the money. (Remember this about the Fed. They don’t take this money out of their pockets and loan it to the government. They fire up the government’s printing presses and create that money from nothing by printing it. They loan the money they just created from nothing to us—the taxpayers. What is this money backed with? Debt. To create “value” in the fiat scrip they jut created out of nothing, the government backs the money with T-bills (a glorified form of high-yield savings bond) which are then sold to willing investors. Only, since stealing the keys to the White House in November, 2008 that a non-US citizen is not allowed to possess, Obama created so much money that the wellspring of willing investors simply dried up. Today, America’s enemies own our debt and they now possess the ability to collapse our economy at will..

By the time Obama got through printing money—not to pay of debt legitimately owed by US taxpayers for use by their government to update the societal infrastructure of the United States—or even to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or to maintain the million of US troops still in Korea, Japan, or the Balkans (you remember Bill Clinton’s war in Serbia where we joined the wrong side and helped the Muslims kill the Coptic Christians after Albanian Muslims started a war to steal mineral-rich Kosovo from Serbia? Remember when Bill Clinton promised that all US troops he sent to the Balkans would be home for Christmas? How long ago was that? 1999. And where are those troops? According to the Congressional Research Service, there are still 15,500 NATO soldiers policing Kosovo. Fifteen hundred of them are US troops. However, thousands of US troops are based in neighboring Romania and Bulgaria. Democrats never mention any of these troops. They are there not because the region is important to the United States but because they are important to the globalists. We don’t lose any sleep about them because it’s not like any of these countries are just down the street from your house or mine. They are strategically-important only to the European Union and the emerging world order that fears not only the United States but the rebirth of the Soviet Union and the escalating threat of radical Islam. But again, that’s not what the money Obama printed was used for. But, we’ll get to that in a minute. I promise you, it’s worth the wait. Because those trillions of dollars that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be paying to the Fed bankers throughout their entire working lives were not created and spent to help us, they were created and spent specifically to help the third world nations that are taking our jobs and the futures of our children away from us.

Setting the stage for Serf America
Even before the Oval Office was remodeled for President George W. Bush in 2001, the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business who funded his campaign were pressuring Bush-43 to expand NAFTA into Central America by legislatively morphing NAFTA into CAFTA, and then expanding CAFTA into its final stage, the Free Trade Area of the Americas Agreement [FTAAA]. The New World Order was running out of time. The timeline for world government has been moved seven times over the last century. The first date to collapse the nation-states was 1920. When that failed, the date was moved to 1935, then 1945, 1965, 1978, and 1984. The election of Ronald Wilson Reagan instead of George H.W. Bush altered history. When the princes of industry and barons of banking and business failed in their attempt to assassinate Reagan in 1981, the globalists became convinced the only way world government would happen was piecemeal: regionalizing the world’s economy and its monetary systems and then compressing them, slowly, into one global monetary unit. Once the barons of banking controlled the money in the pockets of the common man, they controlled that man. The social progressive who lives down the street from you has known that for decades. What the State controls, the State owns.

World government, the money barons decided, had been delayed too long. It was supposed to happen in 1920. The American people rejected it. Franklin D. Roosevelt was unable to do in 1933 or 1934 what Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin did in Russia in 1917, what Mussolini did in Italy in 1922, and what Hitler did in Austria-Hungary and Germany in 1934 because he was stopped by an archaic piece of paper called the Constitution of the United States.

The Social Progressives—your liberal neighbors down the street who were convinced America was ready for a change in 2008—learned through the years that they would never be able to constitutionally amend away our rights decided they could simply ignore the Constitution if they could get enough social progressives on the federal bench and amend the Constitution out of existence by judicial decree. For the past five decades the federal courts have simply erased whatever portions of the Constitution that hamstrung their socialist agenda.

The biggest problem with America today is that middle school, high school pupils and even college students have gotten increasingly more stupid over the years because the enemies down the street now control our schools and teach our children. But instead of teaching them the honest facts of history and science that you and I were taught in the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, the Pew Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Carnegie Trust took control of the NEA and the curriculum. Instead of learning about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, our children are taught about the UN Charter and the UN Covenant on Human Rights. Instead of being taught American history, students are taught world history. Instead of being taught social sciences, students are taught about social justice. And, instead of being taught family values, students are taught they have societal equality with their parents under the law with rights that include suing their parents. Their instructors teach them that, regardless what their parents think, they have the right to be sexually active regardless of the moral values or religious upbringing of their families. In fact, the school will provide both middle school and high school boys and girls with condoms so they can practice safe sex without the fear of becoming pregnant.

Once sex education became part of the curriculum of Winston Elementary School in southeast Washington, DC it quickly became a “hands-on” activity. On Monday, April 7, 1997 four girls and five boys, ages 9 years to 12, disrobed in an empty detention room and, for 30 minutes with the lights off and the door locked, engaged in oral sex. According to a report in the Washington Times on April 14, 1997 (pg. A1) the school principle Ronald Parker learned about the sexual tryst shortly after it happened but he failed to notify neither the police nor any of the parents of the students involved. Most of the parents learned about the incident on Friday, April 18 when those involved began bragging about it to other students. The parents of the girls involved wanted to the boys charged with rape. Parker, who told the Washington Times he never reported the incident because, in his words, “…the sex was consensual,” didn’t believe any crime was committed. In other words the social progressives—the enemy down the street—actually believe it does take a village to raise a child, and that village has a right to determine the moral norms for your children regardless how you feel about it.

To the social progressive, as long as the child involved is not their child, a 9-year old girl can consent to have sex even though she isn’t legally old enough to decide whether or not she can stay up past her regular bedtime. A week after the Winston Elementary incident, on April 16, 1997 at the August Martin High School in Queens, New York, four teenage boys lured a 14-year old girl into an unused classroom and raped her. Three of the boys, DeShawn James, 17; Valijean Lee, 18; and Vincent Dowdy, 17 “allegedly” gang-raped the girl while she was restrained by the fourth boy, Charles Baskerville, 18. Police investigators said that minutes before the attack two of the boys went to the guidance counselor’s office and asked for condoms so they could have safe sex. I doubt they told the guidance counselor they were holding a 14-year old hostage in one of the classrooms so they could rape her. On May 20, a 17-year old junior girl was sexually assaulted by four boys at the same school—38 days after the first incident. (The New York Times; May 21, 1997, Metro Section.)

Every social progressive society in modern times has been quick to realize the key to the future stability of the socialist political system it fostered was in the psychological exploitation of its children. The manipulation of the minds to rid children of their home grown moral values begins with desensitization to eradicate what the national education system calls the “ignorance of the religious right,” either with elaborate exercises on evolution to prove that man was not created by God; or by inducing the children to accept deviant lifestyles as normal alternatives to heterosexuality—and in many cases, both. Social progressive teachers believe it is their responsibility to reshape the minds of their students and correct the errors taught to them by their parents—particularly those which deal with patriotic issues or theological matters. In the mind of the social progressive, you do not have the right to worship as you please if your theological views offend anyone else. Unless, of course, if you are Muslim.. And, if you are a Christian and have been taught to view homosexuality as a sin, the social progressive—and the society they now influence through the liberal media—will view you as a racist.

It is this dichotomy that has led to the societal mess America now faces. With the best public school system in the world, the United States has roughly 28 million functional illiterates and approximately 83 million people who are classified as “learning impaired.” Who’s to blame? Ultimately the princes of industry and the barons of business and banking are deliberately financing the dumbing down of America to make sure the working class of America doesn’t understand what’s happening to their country. But, while the agenda is set from “on high,” you still have to blame the social progressive in the classrooms who take their marching orders from the social progressives who head the school districts.

The dumbing down of America is important to the social progressives because the money barons know if you’re too dumb to understand what rights you possess, you won’t know when you lose them. Talk to the average yokel on the street and ask him where his rights come from, and nine-times-out-of-ten, they will tell you their rights come from the laws enacted by Congress; or at least, from the government. Most young people don’t realize that rights come from God, and those rights were hammered into the Constitution of the United States in places like Lexington, Concord or Valley Forge and reinforced by the Bill of Rights. Since the start of the politicization of the federal courts in 1935, Congress has done everything it can to circumvent the Constitution by appointing social progressives, regardless of their judicial qualifications, as federal judges.

Creating Serf America
On August 10, 1941, 58 days before Pearl Harbor, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt met in the Placenta Bay off the coast of Newfoundland to do two things: [1] to discuss the division of the world at the conclusion of World War II and [2] decide how they were going to transform the failed League of Nations into a global governing body more acceptable to the people of the United States. They did both. They simply changed the name of the League of Nations to the United Nations when its Charter was signed on Oct, 24, 1945.

The American people, who never really thought about the League of Nations except as a European joke, actually thought the United Nations was an American creation, not a European sleight-of-hand. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. bought an 18 acre site in Eastern Manhattan on the banks of the East River for $8.5 million and donated it to the United Nations. The building complex, completed in 1951, is not part of the United States. It is an international territory much like the Vatican is a separate State inside of Rome, Italy. I mentioned that only for the benefit of people who still think the UN is an American institution. The building, and its location in New York, was designed specifically to fool Americans. Other UN regional offices are located at the Hague in the Netherlands (where the World Court is held), the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (which served as the original home of the League of Nations between 1929 and 1936), Vienna, in Austria and Nairobi, Kenya which safeguards human rights around the world (please stop laughing). It is interesting that before the League of Nations—excuse me— the United Nations, could accept land in the United States, the League met in London to vote on whether or not to accept it.

Most social progressives were convinced that if the UN was not headquartered in the United States, the US Senate would likely have not ratify the UN Charter, either. But, that’s not true. Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations had 20 years to brainwash high school and college students on the “socialist merits” of globalism, and Roosevelt’s New Dealers (i.e., Social Progressives like those we are stuck with today) still controlled the US House and Senate, so the UN’s ratification would have been a certainty even if Che Guevana was picked as the UN’s first Secretary-general. In 1946, the UN notwithstanding, the American people realized that World War Ii busted two pimples off the rump of America, but they failed to notice the large boil growing smack in the middle of the nation’s forehead. Why? Because our German enemy was now a Soviet enemy and our Japanese enemy was now Chinese. And neither of them lived in a house just down the street from our home. As he structured the UN, Roosevelt was so convinced that if Stalin did not join, what happened in 1920 without the United States in the League of Nations would happen in 1945 with the United Nations. So, the Soviets were given two Security Council votes. Five nations, six seats, and seven votes. The sixth seat, which is never discussed, is being held for the princes of industry. How many votes they get to cast, my guess would be, will be more than one but less than six.

The rest of the world both fears and envies us—or rather, they did until 2001. We were safe and secure, with oceans on either side. We were the most powerful economic and military force in the world. During World War II, we supplied all of our allies (all of whom believed that if you unilaterally disarm, your enemies—who will no longer have reason to fear you—will likewise do the same). Only an idiot with an IQ smaller than his hat size would believe that one. Yet, when Richard Nixon won the White House, his CFR advisers, led by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, started him down Kennedy’s Council on Foreign Relations path to unilateral disarmament. Talks to limit the growth of nuclear weapons actually began between Lyndon Johnson and Soviet Premier Alexsey Kosygin in March, 1967. Eighteen nations were initially involved in those discussions, which began in 1964. In the end it was a chess match between two nations. The princes of industry and the barons of banking and business whom the industrialized world feared did not intimidate the Soviets. The chess match ended in a stalemate. The Soviets decided to throw the rematich and pretend they lost.

The Soviets, who were already rapidly bankrupting themselves building nuclear weapons, weren’t interested in slowing the process until they had enough nukes to destroy the United States two or three times over. Kissinger picked up the discarded laurel leaf in Nov., 1969 and pitched Soviet president Leonid Brezhnev until Nov., 1969. The talks continued, on and off, until May, 1972 without any success even though the social progressive movement was growing. As Americans worried about the Soviets, the Chinese, and the growing threat from powerful drug lords and socialist dictators in Central America, the American people failed to realize that the worst threat to US liberty was going to come from a real enemy of liberty who lived just down the street from their house—the social progressives who woefully promised the uneducated poor who stood with outstretched hands reaching for the grand gratuities of the State who promised to provide for them forever.

New Democrat Bill Clinton and old socialist (who now proudly proclaims herself a social progressive) Hillary Clinton made the same promises to the underclass of America to get their votes. The future looked good for the underclass during the Election of 1992. Free food. Free money. On top of that, Hillary and Bill promised them free medical care as well. The Clintons pledged to the voters the first thing they would do in the White House was provide them with free healthcare paid for by someone else (the rest of us). After socking America with the largest tax increase in the history of mankind (until Obama outdid him), Congress rejected Hillary’s Heath Security Act of 1993 (a clone of Obamacare which also included a death board that would allow government to euthanize the old to lighten the load on Social Security). Like Obama who is pushing several pieces of negative legislation that will bankrupt what is left of America, the Clintons working under the mandate of the CFR and the Bilderbergers that got them the support they needed to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue . They also won the support of the AFL-CIO, the UAW, the UMW and almost every other labor union in the United States who helped them pressure Congress to enact NAFTA. Clinton and the unions told the working class who needed jobs that this was going to create thousands of new jobs in the United States. Everyone with a half a brain knew better. But the American people chose not to believe that Congress would enact a law that would deliberately drain this nation not only of jobs, but of the factories that created those jobs since that would be tantamount to converting the United States into a second world power in which all of its cities would look like Detroit.

As conservatives put together the statistics of what would happen when our cities became ghost towns, the social progressives down the street scoffed at the notion that the princes of industry, the barons of business and banking would deliberately steal US jobs if they weren’t certain more jobs would fill the void. The social progressives who knew the World Bank had redefined the nature of wealth, also knew that the wealth which determined where investment dollars would be spent in the future was not in the United States nor any of the other industrialized nations. In the past, capital assets: money, land, buildings, and other tangible assets of value constituted wealth. Beginning in 1995, real wealth was classified in terms of humanity. The consumers in the industrialized world possessed 80% of the world ’s wealth. They owned everything they wished to possess and needed nothing. The third world, which contains 80% of the world’s population, possesses less than 20% of its wealth, and less than 10% of its consumable goods. In other words, they owned nothing and needed everything—especially money to buy the consumable goods they desperately needed. To buy the consumable goods they desperately needed, all they needed were jobs. Our jobs.

After witnessing the NAFTA jobs drain from 1994 to 2000 the GOP, which was able to take over both Houses of Congress because the Democrats enacted NAFTA, wanted to get reelected in 2002. Bush’s trade rhetoric didn’t stirke them as vote-getting language when what the American people wanted was to seal the borders and keep what was left of our factories here and the foreigners who wanted our jobs out of here. Congress pressured Bush to change his rhetoric. As Bush-43 talked tough about sealing the US borders and expelling illegals, he knew that Clinton’s North America Free Trade Agreement contained a provision that required “dotted-line” borders between Mexico, the United States and Canada specifically to guarantee that citizens of each country had non-passport access into the neighboring countries. That’s why, when Bush began talking tough about building a security fence along our Southern border then-Mexican President Vicente Fox threatened to sue in the World Court to stop the fence construction.

However, when Clinton’s 103rd Congress put the finishing touches on NAFTA, they inserted a clause which mandated that no treaty provision could, or would, take precedent over any existing provision of US federal law. That provision is part of the NAFTA agreement. Yet, it’s ignored by everyone—especially Mexicans illegals who feel they have a right to enter the United States without the consent of the US government. Why? Because there is a clause in the UN Charter, Chapter XVI, Article 103 which states that UN member States are obligated to disregard any national laws which conflict with any article in the UN Charter, or any amendments attached to it. If the European Union Treaty is construed by the World Court to be an amendment to the UN Charter, it can also be construed to override that provision in NAFTA which invalidates the provision in NAFTA that invalidates any clause which conflicts with any US federal law. While Bush Bush-43 seemed not to know that provision existed when he campaigned on the fence in 2004 and secured the funding from Congress to build the fence, he backpedaled when it came time to start building the fence. But, it is more likely he backpedaled because of pressure from agri-giant Archer Daniel Midland and retail giant Walmart—both major Bush-43 campaign supporters—who rely heavily on cheap labor from illegal aliens.

Even more than the princes of industry and the barons of business, the Federal Reserve also needed the borders open because they collect federal income and Medicare taxes from illegals using phony identification, which means no one files a 1040 seeking a refund.

There are now too many people reaching retirement age. The federal government can no longer manipulate their legal Ponzi schemes: Social Security and Medicare. The war babies of the 1940s are becoming the newest Social Security recipients. By 2015, the US Treasury is going to desperately need about 45 million new, middle income taxpayers to offset the tax revenue loss from the retiring Baby Boomers. Uncle Sam, which squandered the Social Security Trust Fund to fund the welfare generation, has run out of money. That means before 2012 Congress will be pressured to enact amnesty legislation that will allow 25 to 40 million illegals to file for US citizenship—or be rounded up by Immigration Control & Enforcement [ICE] and deported.

Remember Bush-43 screaming that Social Security was broke from the rooftops of Washington, DC? The Democrats convinced the public that Bush’s rants were nothing more political scare tactics to get votes in 2004. The left, through their mouthpiece, AARP, insisted there was nothing wrong with Social Security. They lied. AARP, which collects about $85 million per year in government grants, lied, too. The House that Woodrow Wilson and JP Morgan built is now a literal house of cards. The Fed is on shakey ground. The US Treasury is ready to collapse. Which of course, is why the G-20 is jettisoning the US dollar as the world’s reverse currency, and why the gloabalists are scrambling to create a global monetary unit based on the amalgamated worth of the world’s top 25 currencies (currently 16 currencies).

Bush-43 was pressured by the money barons to use whatever political capital he still had left in 2006 to keep the US dollar from collapsing by pushing for blanket amnesty for all illegals—and providing them with valid Social Security numbers to make sure they paid their fair share rather than having a pocketful of tax-free money to send back to their families in Mexico via Western Union.

Keep in the mind the illegals that are still taking what few jobs remain in our shrinking job market are here because of—you guessed it—the enemy down the street from your house who believe the illegals have as much right to be here as you or me. We keep thinking that the enemy is either the politicians or the princes of industry or barons or banking or business. But, its far more than that. There are between 32 to 36 million social progressives out there, living down the street from your house. They are as much your enemy as the enemy that attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec, 7, 1941—or the members of the US government who knew the attack was imminent and did nothing in order to have an excuse to get in the war because they are just as determined to destroy this nation as the radical Islamics who skyjacked four jet airliners and used them as weapons against the American people on Sept. 11, 2001.

Global enemies are easier to identify than the social progressives who hate this nation, particularly those within the Obama Administration who pretend they are patriotic Americans even though they abhor everything this nation stands for. They are the real enemies of the American people. But hey are much harder to identifyas enemies because they live just down the street from your house and mine. Their kids go to school with our kids. They shop at the same stores we shop at, attend the same baseball, football or basketball games we attend. They look like us, speak like us. They just don’t think like us.

We wave to them when we mow our lawns about the same time each weekend. We know their names but we don’t know their politics because…well…they don’t talk politics with us. They think we’re stupid. But, we see the Obama bumper sticker on their car in their driveway. Everytime we see it, we think how nice it would be to cover it with an IMPEACH OBAMA bumper sticker, but we know everyone has a right to their own opinion. They probably didn’t like our REAGAN bumper sticker in the 1980s, although they had a silent chuckle when we replaced the REAGAN bumper sticker with one that said BUSH IN ‘88. We fly a flag in our yard. They thinks it’s tacky, or they think the flag we fly is too ostentatious and should be taken down. The letter we got from the HOA questioning the size of the flag on the flag pole in our yard was likely triggered by them.

While we worry about our country—and whether or not we’ll have a job tomorrow—from the time we get in the morning until we fall asleep, the social progressive is convinced that, now, finally, all is well. They believe someone other than his family, his children, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be obligated to pay off what will amount to about $75 trillion dollars in debt counting the interest on the money that Obama has already spent. And, of course, then there’s the $1.5 trillion (minimum) in new taxes (monthly insurance fees) this year if Obamacare passes (even though the Congressional Budget Office says it will only be $940 billion that someone else will have to pay—even though Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid say they have that covered. They’re confident they have that covered because their friends in the White House are taking it from you and me. Sorry, I don’t have it. Obama’s bank bailout tapped me out.

But the Obama Administration is already a step ahead of us. He knows how he’s going to cover the short falls. He won’t tell you, because you’re not going to like where the money comes from—particularly if you are a senior American. Even before the first draft of HR 3200, Obama had already enacted the Death Board in HR 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Death Board, of course, is not called the Death Board, nor is it called the “Health Board,” which it is referred to. It’s official name is the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Research, which is purported to be nothing more than advisory panel whose job it will be to do comparative cost analysis. Nothing more. The panel receives $1.1 billion per year to make decisions about which Americans can receive medical procedures and medications, and which will not. In many cases, where expensive medications are the only thing keeping you alive, you will receive end-of-life counseling but no medications. The downside for you and your family is, you’re going to die. The upside for the US Treasury is that, very soon, those monthly Social Security checks you’ve been receiving are going to stop and Uncle Sam saves that much money each month. For every thousand seniors who are weaned off Social Security with a morphine drip, Uncle Sam prolongs the life of Social Security by another $18 to $24 million. You know, $18 million here, $24 million there, and pretty soon we’re talking about real money here. Deny medical care to a million seniors next year and we’re talking about saving Social Security some real money—about $22 billion per year. Of course, the family of the deceased elderly person whose terminal illness—old age—denied them the medical care they needed to live, will receive that $250 death benefit check.

There Will Be Blood!

Posted: 03/22/2010 by Lynn Dartez in Amendments



I’m not crazy about congressional Democrats right now.

As I write this, Congressional Democrats are engaged in a furious partisan battle to pass their idea of healthcare reform. Alas it is an idea the majority of Americans do not share. It is in fact an idea that the majority of congressmen do not share, which is why President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are twisting arms, bribing, cajoling and threatening all manner of mischief in order to eek out a majority vote – or non vote — on a bill the people have made clear they do not want. They may succeed.

I am not all that enamored of Congressional Republicans either. It is painful indeed to listen to the feigned outrage of so many Republicans who spent years in office redefining the meaning of concepts like “limited Government,” and “fiscal conservative”. Surely they must realize that their inept stewardship over so many years not only opened the door for the leftist now in power, but also rolled out the red carpet for them.

The contract we strike with government holds that citizens will give up certain of our rights in exchange for government protection of our liberty and property. The foundation of that bargain is trust. And that trust must be guarded jealously. Men must trust that their wishes will be respected and that government will not over step its bounds. When that trust dissipates due to the contraventions of officials within the government, the actions of government lose their legitimacy.

This view is one expressed by President Obama. In an interview with the “Concord Monitor” then candidate Obama decried the “50 plus 1 pattern of presidential politics.” It was Obama’s opinion that it made governance impossible. He was adamant that healthcare reform could not be passed with a simple majority vote. He did not mean to say that passing a healthcare bill was not possible with a one vote majority. Rather he was expressing the assured acknowledgement that passing such monumental legislation in such a manner and without the support of the minority party would rob it of its necessary legitimacy. It has become apparent that in this, as is clearly the case in so many things, Obama was merely blowing smoke.

Legitimacy can’t be had through backroom bribery, arm twisting and procedural maneuvers that corrupt and make a mockery of the spirit that enervates the principles of procedure, rule and law. Nor can it be had through default – by being the only other choice on the ballot. Legitimacy must be won the old fashioned way: it must be earned by nurturing the trust of the people.

Do Democrats truly believe that a government that rewrites the rules as they go along in order to inflict a policy on an unwilling public can be trusted not to rewrite the rules whenever it strikes their whim? Or is it, as I suspect, that they are convinced of the transcendent virtue of liberalism–that only the lefts motives are unimpeachable – that they are the good guys and in fact the only ones in government that can be trusted? They would be wrong. The passage of this healthcare bill will be a violation of that trust; it will be one more breach in a long series of abuses. I suggest it be the last.

How much longer will we be a party to promises that never come to fruition? How much longer will we listen to lies supported by evidence that has been cooked? How much longer will we allow the people’s representatives to run interference for private industry and expand the reach and power of federal bureaucracy? How much longer will we allow congressmen-for-life to mismanage the financial future of this nation- putting the security of her citizens at risk? How much more rope must we allow them before they finally hang themselves and us along with them?

If there is to be a second revolution then let it begin here and now! Let the political bloodbath begin in November followed closely by more bloodletting in 2012. No one will be safe. Neither a “D” nor an “R” following a name will be sufficient protection from the people’s blade! There is no time like now to begin the winnowing process; and there is no better reason than to dismantle a government that can’t be trusted to keep its part of the bargain.

Where Were You When the Republic Died?

Posted: 03/22/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011

March 22, 2010

By Matt Patterson

In November 2008, Americans elected a socialist as their president. In March 2010, they woke up stunned to find themselves living in a socialist country.
Health insurers — once private companies — are now organs of the federal government. Every citizen is a ward of the state, which can now compel you to have insurance, punish you if you don’t; determine if your insurance is acceptable, punish you if it isn’t. Thousands of new federal bureaucrats will soon spill from the D.C. Beltway and flood the country, scrutinizing our finances to verify compliance with this new law.

A government that grants itself this kind of power over us can conceivably do anything to us.  For our own good, of course. Such a country is in no meaningful sense “free.”

And this is only the beginning. Liberals are salivating in contemplation of all the fanciful window trimmings that can in the future be hung from this legislative framework. Public option will soon appear as prelude to single payer, as was the intent all along. Soon, Americans won’t even have the illusion of a choice — the government will move from subsidizer to provider, and it will be the only game in town.

So what’s next?  Some look to the states as possible saviors. Please. The states long ago surrendered their sovereignty, and they are now junkies on federal monies, which they need for schools, roads, Medicaid, and much else. If the citizens are now wards of the federal government, then the states long since preceded them in that sorry servitude.

The individual? What are we going to do, not pay the taxes to support this beast? Oh, they’ll take that from you before you ever get your check; we gave them that power to them long ago, remember. March on Washington, en masse? Lot of good that’s done thus far.

The Republicans? Assuming the GOP can take back both houses of Congress and the White House in the next couple of elections (by no means a sure thing), can you name one gigantic entitlement enacted by liberals that Republicans have successfully repealed? Or even made serious effort to repeal? Ever? Anyone?

The Courts? Sure, maybe Obamacare will work its way through the courts, and maybe the Supreme Court will finally take up the case (there is no guarantee of that, remember), and maybe the Court will not have tilted left by then, and maybe the Justices will declare it unconstitutional. Then what? Who will enforce this decision? Obamacare is already unconstitutional on its face, and yet it is the law of the land. Do you think the Democrats will say, “Oh, all-right, never mind,” and cheerfully strike it from the books after their successful five-decades-long crusade?

And even if a court challenge is eventually successful, how much of the bureaucracy will by then already be in place, how many of the thousands of new regulations already in effect, how much of the billions in new taxes and fines collected, how many jobs killed, how many middle class families addicted to the entitlement?

There’s a reason why Democrats were desperate to ram this through at any cost — once enacted, such things are all but perpetual. Former freedom-loving peoples begin to tell themselves that it’s really not so bad. Sure, government is forcing you to eat state-approved gruel, but hey, at least they hold the spoon, and they even pour a little sugar on top when you’re good.

The worst part of watching the proceedings unfold on Sunday was the endless stream of commentators and pundits calmly discussing this bill as if it were just one more piece of bad legislation that we will have to live under. In fact, what has transpired is nothing less than an overthrow of the old Constitutional order.

In 1776, the American Republic boldly announced its birth with the Declaration of Independence. In 2010, it quietly expired with a declaration of dependence — on government, on entitlement, and on the Democratic party.

Matt Patterson is a National Review Institute Washington Fellow and the author of Union of Hearts: The Abraham Lincoln & Ann Rutledge Story. His e-mail is

you are a slave to the Government

Posted: 03/22/2010 by Lynn Dartez in 2011