Free Speech or Over The Top?

Posted: 04/14/2010 by tpgow in 2011


Date Posted: Saturday 10-Apr-2010

By: Norm Liebmann

Another Judas Democrat Congressman turned traitor. His name is not “Stupak”, it’s “Stugots” – which is Italian slang for the word penis. That works for me.

I now pronounce political correctness dead. Obama has replaced political correctness with political corruptness. The Democrats jettisoned all their principles. You can’t travel lighter than that.

Let’s face it. Bribery has a name. It’s called “Black racism”. There’s no sense trying to bring back black hatred. It never went anywhere. The Obamacrats remain the rabble in ascendance.

These days television commercials are full of black people telling us how to live – just as Washington is full of black politicians telling us how to live. The only passwords you need to get into the White House are “If you’re black, you’re okay, Jack”. The Obama Administration will be remembered as The Great American Blackout.

Obama’s Healthcare Plan reminds us of the words of H.L. Mencken, who said, “For every complex problem there’s a simple solution that doesn’t work.” Even so, at the signing of his health care bill Obama was described as “happy as a Chinaman with his first blond”. In the meantime, the Caucasians have been left to wallow in the after-rot of the Civil Rights Movement.

The Obama Healthcare Plan’s most urgent effort will be a crash program for doctors to find a cure for a racially selective disease called nigger cell anemia. Health care is the cornerstone of the Obama’s Voo Doo Presidency. Perhaps Obama care should begin with doctors putting Nancy Pelosi’s tongue in a splint.

Joe Biden’s speeches invariably include “f” words and other vulgarities, which he is obliged to read from a device called a Porno-o-Prompter. (Obama’s teleprompter automatically converts claptrap into clichés.)

With Obama and the blacks taking over America these days, the cruise lines are equipping their ships with scrambling nets so the Caucasian passengers can go over the side. The American Ship of State has taken on a portside list. It is just a matter of time until the blacks cause it to founder.

The Democrat message is constant. Obama is the Jim Jones of Healthcare – so just drink your Kool aid and shut up!

The Democrat gloating has won out in Congress. The Democrat triumph has caused Patrick Kennedy to wet his pants and hopefully rust his zipper permanently shut. Incidentally, didn’t satellite photography reveal that the Ho Chi Minh trail ran through Cambodia and ended up in Hyannis Port?

The Obama Bribe-o-rama has won out. Barack is America’s Black Bag Man – not due to the color of the bag he carries. Anyway, if there is anything blacker than the Ace of Spades it’s Barack Obama’s heart. Chicanery is the only steady job this bastard ever had in his life. If there was anyone in Washington with a conscience there would be crime scene tape around the White House. Obama is the first President crooked enough to need a getaway motorcade.

Obama’s Chicago boyhood friends believed he would one day become President, or become involved in some other enterprise where his natural gifts would always require him to have police scrutiny.

Obama is working on his Middle East policy called Jewicide. Barack Obama has taken a three room apartment up Louis Farrakhan’s ass. Anti-Semitism has blossomed in the Obama household. Perhaps the White House dinner table is being set with fingerbowls containing the blood of Holocaust victims so the Obamas can dip their digits into their hemoglobin. Will the Obama’s Jew hatred justify the return of the word nigger? It is known that Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer will never do anything to offend Barack Obama – no matter how much it offends Jehovah. Jimmy Carter’s screwing of the Israelis has since become a Washington political tradition.

Fascists come in all colors. The black atrocity is alive and devoid of crayon colors. The Obama White House is now known as Uncle Slave’s Cabin. The tsetse flies are presently in a holding pattern over the Oval Office.

Obama’s next move will be to declare amnesty. Hussein-baby hopes by legalizing the immigration from Mexico he will be able to head off the coming graffiti shortage in America.

Michelle Obama, our Licorice First Lady, keeps complaining that American children are too obese – this from a woman who has a rear end like a Clydesdale.

In honor of Obama an Ivy League University plans to establish a chair in Black Poetry. The seat will go to the candidate who can find a word that rhymes with “muttherfukka”.

The Affirmative Action diploma certifying Inner City Ignorance should not be handed to the graduate but slipped under his door. Rather than all this university falderal it would be a better world if the 7 Eleven store managers held up the minorities.

The Obama Presidency is a case of the blacks leading the blacks. The Democrats have decided they’d rather be rabble than right. Is the answer to America’s financial problem to Tax the Blax?

In the White House they finally have the color of the Ace of Spades memorized.

The Democrats are suffocating the nation as a result of Obama over-exerting his authority as “The Head Nigger”.

Cupid stunt Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional Freak Show has ripped off America. Still, she is ready to have her image sculpted on what can only be called Mount Slutmore. Instead, Pelosi should be tried for suborning fascism?

The Obama base includes the leftovers from the ‘sixties – slobs who went bathless at Berkeley and washless at Woodstock.

Obama has had to delay his return in triumph to his native Indonegro? Or as it is presently called Negronesia – romantic islands where weddings are consummated by an exchange of nose rings.

Barney Frank’s bumper sticker reads No Faggot Left Behind. It didn’t specify whose behind he would be obliged to leave.

How many times this year has Allan Greenspan been turned over to the Animal Shelter as a lost basset hound?

Is that the stench of rotting Acorns wafting across Lake Michigan or is that just the smell of Chicago politics. (If you are going to give the world an enema, Chicago is the appropriate place to insert the nozzle.)

Reverend Jeremiah Wright should do some time in San Quentin and see what a really great bunch of aborigines his people are.

Are Mulattos a form of demographic pollution?

Obama has come out and revealed he is a Muslim. It could have been worse; he could have claimed he was a Negro.

If Alan Combs had a little more smarts he’d be another Fredo Corleone.

Why is it the more Humanity sinks into barbarism the more its computers become polite?

Barack Obama has more ways to screw America than a carpenter on steroids.

Obama has always been more redical than radical.

Hieroglyphs reveal that the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt never got lonely because some Arab was always dropping in to rob their tombs.

The most striking resemblance between Geraldo Rivera and Joseph Stalin is their moustaches – if you don’t include their politics.

Is it true off-shore drilling in Arkansas has been cancelled? It wasn’t mentioned on “Huckabee”. And incidentally, if you want to know what Iraq is really like try to picture Arkansas with oil derricks.

The most generous evaluation of Hillary Clinton’s patriotism is that it is “under review”.

California is collapsing due to the Stalinist dialectics of the Hollywood Commintern. Sean Penn has already busted it with his smile.

The Presidential Plane should be renamed Bribery One. As far as staffing his Administration is concerned, Obama closed the gap between czardom and condom.

Madonna took the mystery out of sex and damned near took it out of Krafft-Ebbing.

A Little Rock psychotherapist (mules, a specialty) diagnosed Bill Clinton’s unrelenting promiscuity as due to the fact that he grew up in Arkansas “sibling deprived”, where safe sex means just the immediate family.

Is America ready for a Dennis Kucinich/Forest Gump Debate?

Bill Clinton turned Haiti into Arkansas-by-the-Sea.

Is it scripture that when the Pope is out of town “anything goes”?

It seems irrefutable that serving in Congress is inherently corrupting.

End Black Rule in America or at least the caramelization of the races.

Dennis Kucinich should be elected Chairman of the Looney Toons Caucus.

A sure way to piss off the Democrats is by giving Halliburton a seat at the Security Council.

Washington D.C. needs a political turnout lane.

Affirmative Action is an educational bribe on which the civil rights gang never delivers. Exposure to the process of being educated is not the same thing as education. The Ivy League has become the Jurassic Park of cockamamie erudition in which professors are custodians of extinct wisdom. Universities are cradles of casual, corrupt, and worst of all, convenient information.

The Democrats have made Washington D.C. the Mecca of Muck.

The main thing that’s wrong with minorities is they become majorities and continue to behave like minorities.

NASA should get to work on a device that will perform vasectomies on the entire Islamic world by satellite.

Chances are even if your father was wrong about everything else, he was right about Negroes.

Would Miss Jane Pittman have considered Charlie Rangel “a hunk”?

The National Press Club is an informational honky-tonk. The media’s principal function is to keep America in an uncomfortable and unwelcome awareness of its presence. CBS lives on – but barely.

Not since the Clintons’ wedding night has Bill Clinton been able to speculate what it feels like to get your genitals caught in a paper shredder.

The Libs are going to a lot of trouble to finally prove the late Joe McCarthy was right when he called the Democrats “The party of treason”.

March 21 will be remembered as the day that O.J. Obama slit America’s throat.

And this …

The Obama Administration got the contempt of the American people the hard way. They earned it.

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