Archive for the ‘Gun Control’ Category

Sheriff Nicholas Finch said he “believed in Second Amendment rights” after releasing a man arrested on a gun charge.

Kit Daniels
June 6, 2013

A Florida sheriff who believes in the Second Amendment was charged Tuesday for removing the arrest file of a suspect held on an unconstitutional gun charge but later released.

Sheriff Nicholas Finch
Source: Liberty County Florida Commissioners

Liberty County Sheriff Nicholas Finch, 50, was booked in his own jail Tuesday with one count of official misconduct by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The FDLE accuses Finch of covering up the arrest of Floyd Eugene Parrish after releasing him from the Liberty County Jail. Parrish had been arrested for carrying a concealed firearm without a license, a third-degree felony in Florida.

On March 8, Sgt. James Joseph Hoagland of the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office arrested Parrish during a traffic stop after finding a .25 automatic pistol in Parrish’s pocket and a holstered revolver in the front seat, according to court records. Parrish was then taken to the county jail.

Finch arrived at the jail with Parrish’s brother and spoke to Parrish, after which Finch took the arrest file and told correctional officers Parrish would be released with no charges, according to investigators. Finch also ordered both the pistol and revolver be returned to Parrish.

Hoagland told FDLE investigators that several days later, he spoke to Finch about Parrish’s release and Finch told him he “believed in Second Amendment rights.”

The FDLE crime lab analyzed the jail log sheet and discovered white-out had been applied over Parrish’s name.

Investigators also noted that Hoagland’s copy of the arrest affidavit and a computer record are the only known existing documentation of Parrish’s arrest. Neither the affidavit nor the computer record are recognized in court because they are not considered usable originals.

Finch’s attorney does not refute the story as told by investigators. “The records at the jail show exactly what happened in this case and the records speak the truth,” said Finch’s attorney Jimmy Judkins. “The sheriff looked at the facts and said ‘I believe in the Second Amendment and we’re not going to charge him.’ That is not misconduct at all. That is within the Sheriff’s prerogative whether to charge someone or not.”

Samuel Coover, a Liberty County resident, said that because Finch was not from Liberty County, people considered him an outsider and finally railroaded him out. “In my personal opinion he was doing his job and people didn’t like it,” said Coover.

Another long-time county resident also supported Finch. “I hope it’s all a misunderstanding,” said 88-year-old Alma Sanders. “We need a good sheriff.”

An official misconduct charge is a third-degree felony in Florida, punishable by up to five years in prison if convicted. The charge is covered under Florida Statutes 838.022, which says it is unlawful for a public servant to “conceal, cover up, destroy, mutilate, or alter any official record or official document.”

Finch was released shortly after his arrest on his own recognizance. He was elected sheriff of the Florida panhandle county of approximately 8,000 residents in November 2012, running under “No Party Affiliation.”

Spare the nation the ordeal of impeachment

Paul Joseph Watson
June 8, 2013

A new petition launched on the website demands that President Obama immediately resign over the innumerable unconstitutional actions he has overseen, notably the recent scandal surrounding wiretapping of journalists.


The full petition, which can be found here on the website, states the following:

President Richard Nixon resigned after wiretapping a handful of journalists, sparing the nation the ordeal of impeachment. We call on Obama to do the same. His administration vetted the NSA’s surveillance of millions of Americans and seriously violated the Fourth Amendment. He confiscated the personal records of reporters, thus violating the First Amendment, and the IRS under his watch harassed political organizations opposed to his policies. Moreover, his administration has lied under oath to Congress. In addition to violating Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution by invading Libya, his administration engaged in torture and conducted a covert drone war. Due to the severity of these crimes, we call for the immediate resignation of Barack Obama.

The petition requires 100,000 signatures before July 7 in order to mandate an official White House response.

Aside from recent wiretapping and surveillance scandals, there are a number of other issues over which Obama has clearly abused his authority and acted unconstitutionally.

– Obama failed to obtain congressional authorization for the war on Libya in 2011. Under Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, the power to declare war lies with Congress.

– In June 2011, President Obama arrogantly expressed his hostility to the rule of law when he dismissed the need to get congressional authorization to commit the United States to a military intervention in Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism and remarking, “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question.”

– In July 2011, Congress specifically rejected the Obama administration’s attempt to seek approval for war on Libya but the White House later supported a NATO-led assault anyway, terming it a “kinetic” action.

– Obama tried to legitimize his failure to obtain Congressional approval for military involvement by sending a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner in which he said the military assault was “authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

Richard Silverstein
Nov 19, 2012

Day 6: 95 Palestinians killed, 720 wounded.

The title of this post is harsh.  But the one I first considered was even more so: “Barack Obama, go to Hell.”  I am so glad I didn’t vote for this man for president.  At the time I cast my vote I did it thinking I was doing the right thing.  But in my heart regretting it.  If I had voted for him, now I my heart would be turning bitter as gall.

Here is what this sorry excuse for a leader had to say today in Thailand:

“[T]here is no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. So we are fully supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself from missiles landing on people’s homes…

Let’s understand what the precipitating event here was that’s causing the current crisis, and that was an ever-escalating number of missiles that were landing not just in Israeli territory but in areas that are populated.”

I also discovered this statement which appears to have been made separately and covers related, but different ground:

“Israel has every right to expect that it does not have missiles fired into its territory,” President Barack Obama said at a news conference in Bangkok at the start of a three-nation visit to Asia.

“If that can be accomplished without a ramping up of military activity in Gaza, that’s preferable,” Obama said. “It’s not just preferable for the people of Gaza. It’s also preferable for Israelis, because if Israeli troops are in Gaza, they’re much more at risk of incurring fatalities or being wounded.”

Let’s address this lame excuse for a political argument.  First, it could’ve been (and possibly was) drafted by an Aipac staffer.  It’s directly taken from pro-Israel talking points.  You’ve heard the same bullshit from Michael Oren a hundred times.  What this argument omits is that Israel has Gaza in a stranglehold.  It has turned the enclave into a virtual prison having no economy, no exports, no ability to travel in or out.  Gaza is occupied in effect by Israel.  This occupation is illegal.  Any nation has a right to resist such an occupation.

I do not support firing missiles from Gaza into Israel.  But I do not support Israel’s occupation of Gaza either.  I do not expect Gazans to roll over and play dead for Israel’s benefit or for the benefit of a U.S. president who has his head up his ass.

The real issue isn’t whether Israel has a right to attack Gaza.  The issue is how to get at the root causes of this conflict and resolve it.  F-16s, drones, targeted assassinations and helicopter gunships only kick the football farther down the road, as Mitt Romney so aptly put it (who’d have ever thought that Obama would actually follow a Mideast policy outlined by Romney).

Obama says he’s opposed to an Israeli invasion not because many Gazans will be killed (he clearly doesn’t care about that) but because Israelis will die.  Have you ever heard anything so callous?  Yes, I suppose in all the history of this conflict there have been far more callous statements.  But by a U.S. president?  Not so many.

Barack Obama: go to Hell.  You don’t give a damn.  You don’t have a moral bone in your body.  Give back that Nobel Peace Prize.  You don’t deserve it. In fact, you’ve pissed on it and turned it from gold to (cast) lead.

netanyahu election war(Guardian, Steve Bell)

Former Israeli national security advisor Gen. Giora Eiland, on the other hand, made anamazingly forthright statement about what should be the outline for a fair resolution of the current impasse in Gaza.  For that reason, of course, it will be ignored by those in power.  But it still deserves a fair hearing:

“Israel’s bottom line interest toward Gaza is a security issue – that they won’t fire at us,” said Eiland, who also served as the head of Israel’s National Security Council. “Consequently, if we can reach an arrangement, it’s preferable to give ground on certain political issues in exchange for a better security arrangement.”

This sort of agreement would include “a mutual cease-fire and an Egyptian guarantee of not just quiet, but also that no weapons will enter Gaza,” Eiland said, adding that “this arrangement would be guaranteed by additional parties, for example, Qatar and Turkey.”

Among the political compromises that could be made in exchange for such a security arrangement, Eiland listed lifting the naval blockade of Gaza “so that the European Union member countries could send under supervision dinghies into Gaza’s port.”

Eiland also suggested that Israel recognize Gaza as a state under Hamas’ rule. “This is a country a ruled by an elected government and I expect that this government will act in a responsible manner, like a state would,” Eiland said.

“It’s not enough to say ‘Hamas will surrender,’” Eiland continued. “We need to give something, if not to Hamas, then to others. It’s impossible to reach a point where one side will surrender. Sometimes we become captive to slogans like ‘We won’t talk with Hamas.’ I say the opposite. It’s a fact that Hamas rules Gaza and that Gaza is a state. We need to recognize this and utilize the advantages this situation presents.”

The thinking is that if Israel recognizes Hamas as ruler of Gaza, it will place the onus on the Islamist group to run Gaza and fully control what happens there.  In effect, Eiland is saying to make Hamas put their money where their mouth is: you want to rule this place–do it.  And if you don’t, we and the world community who are enforcing this agreement will hold you accountable.

There is also a strategic element to his thinking that is unspoken.  If Israel breaks Palestine into two entities, then Palestinian strength and aspirations for statehood will be even more fragmented than they are now.  Hamas will have less interest in creating a coalition government with Fatah because it will control its own fiefdom in Gaza.  The West Bank and Gaza may be permanently severed.  That part of Eiland’s strategy is pernicious in the long-term.  But it doesn’t mean that much of what he’s saying wouldn’t make things better than they are now in Gaza itself.

I can’t tell you how refreshing this breeze is.  It’s a bit of truth.  And coming from a general bristling with medals and lots of dead Israeli enemies under his belt.  This is not some peacenik or “Arab lover.”  This is the very same dude who whitewashed the Mavi Marmara massacre on behalf of the IDF, for whom he investigated it.

I do have to say though that there’s a strange dynamic at work in Israeli politics: when you’re an official and within the system, you lie and say things that make you and your country sound like an idiot.  When you leave the system, all of a sudden you become a seer and things you didn’t appear to know or couldn’t say come tripping off your tongue.  The same phenomenon occurred with Ehud Olmert after he resigned his prime ministership. While he was in office he tried to sell Mahmoud Abbas a bill of goods in the guise of a legitimate peace agreement.  After he left, he called the settlements a cancer eating at Israel’s insides.

So some of this may be at work in Eiland’s change of heart, if you can call it that.  But who cares?  Truth is truth whether it comes from a sane person or a mad man.

Something further that is interesting here is that Eiland is making these statements–ones that cut to the heart of the weakness of Israel’s “mowing the grass” approach to Gaza–only five days after the start of hostilities and even before the expected invasion.  In other words, the general is already saying the emperor has no clothes.  The way this usually works is that the critics wait until a few weeks in after the soldiers and civilians have started dying in significant numbers.  That’s the time when the body politic becomes more receptive to such contrarian thinking.  So Eiland is bucking this trend and deserves credit for doing so.

al dalou gaza massacre

When you read the following you will understand my outrage directed against Barack Obama.  Today should be the Kfar Kana or the al-Samouni moment in this war.  The former was the tragedy during the 2006 war when Israel attacked a Lebanese village near a UN base killing scores of civilians.  After that atrocity, the war was essentially over though Israel didn’t realize it at the time.  My fear is that the murder of 12 Gaza civilians in a bombing that flattened a 3-story apartment building filled with civilians will not be enough of a tragedy to end this growing madness.  More of the innocent may have to die before the world tells Israel: Dayenu!

The al-Dalou family was sheltering in its home from the bombardment.  Earlier, two male family members had left to procure supplies because they feared an imminent invasion.  They survived.  Five women, four children (all between two and five years-old) and two men died.  One of the women was 81 years old:

Khalil al-Dallu screams. “They said Mohammed was alive!” he shouts as emergency workers pull the body of a young man from a Gaza City home levelled by an Israeli strike on Sunday.  His face quickly crumples into tears as the emergency staff tell him that his cousin is in fact dead — one of six members of the Dallu family killed when an Israeli missile struck the Nasser neighbourhood, flattening the three-story building where they lived.

“The whole family is martyred!” he cries, as the body of 35-year-old Mohammed al-Dallu is placed in an ambulance.

“What was the sin of the children and the infants, Israel?” he screams, raising his hands to the sky.

The emergency workers carry on with their grim task. By the time their work is done they have pulled 11 bodies from the pancaked building and others around it.  The body of Mohammed’s wife is also retrieved, as well as those of five of their children. The body of another woman, also a family member, is also pulled out although she is not immediately identified.

The strike has also killed two of their neighbours from the Muzzana family.

Mohammed’s father, Jamal, and his 17-year-old son Abdullah, are among the survivors. When the Israeli strike happened, they were out buying food to boost the family’s stocks because they feared an Israeli ground invasion.

Jamal leans on a bloody electricity pole for support, overwhelmed at the horror and loss in front of him, his relatives crowding around as pieces of his grandchildren are plucked from their former home.  Near hysterical with anger and sorrow, Ibrahim shouts: “Don’t tell his brother Abdullah, the trauma will kill him!”  The brother, 26-year-old Abdullah, is currently studying inTurkey to become a doctor.

…  Ahmed Hato, 13, is still dazed by the sudden death visited on the family.”I was playing with the sons of the neighbours at the entrance to the street. There was a huge explosion, the earth shook and dust and rocks went everywhere. I don’t know how, but I ended up on the ground and without injuries,” he says.

Ahmed’s father can’t watch the rescue efforts, and doesn’t answer his phone. Instead he cries openly for Mohammed, whom he saw just an hour before the strike.  Mohammed, a Hamas police officer, “was a good man, moral and kind to everyone,” he says. “Everyone loved him. His death is a huge loss for the family.”

It turns out, as it often does in these sorts of IDF incursions, that the IAF was trying to assassinate the head of Hamas’ rocket warfare unit, Yechiya Rabiah (must be the guy who took over from Dirar Abusisi after his “forced retirement” at the hands of the Mossad and Ukrainian intelligence), who lives nearby.  Ooops, they got the wrong house.  Another intelligence failure.  Only killed 12 innocent civilians as a result.  Terribly regrettable.  But if Rabiah would only do the IDF the favor of living in an open field so it could kill him cleanly, these sorts of things wouldn’t have to happen.  You know how that Hamas uses civilians as human shields.

What created even more bitter irony is that just as when it dropped a bunker buster bomb during the 2006 war on Hassan Nasrallah’s Beirut hiding place, the IDF crowed that it’d taken out yet another terrorist bad guy.  Turns out that Nasrallah and Rabiah are very much alive.  What do you say in the midst of such insanity: woops?

Even an IDF journalist-stenographer like Avi Issacharoff writing in Haaretz concedes the Gaza operation is “starting to get into trouble” because too many civilians are dying.  All I can say is boker tov buddy, civilians were dying from the first moment of the fighting.  It’s just that now they’re starting to pile up like cordwood.  But if Issacharoff wants to wake up only today on day six, it’s better than sleep walking through an entire war before realizing 1,400 Gazans have been slaughtered as happened during Cast Lead.

At what point does Barack Obama become moved enough, or boxed in enough by this suffering that he’s finally got to get off his ass and do something?

By the way, Israeli polls find that while 90% of Israelis support the Gaza war (only 16% support a ceasefire), only 46% support an invasion while 32% are opposed.  That’s a sizable minority viewpoint.

By Chuck Baldwin
November 15, 2012

A Sleeping Giant Is Awaking

Many people across the country are rightly concerned as to what another four-year Obama administration is going to accomplish. According to the UK’s Daily Mail Online, “Although America carried President Obama confidently into a second term last Tuesday–not everyone is jumping for joy at the prospect of four more years.

“Tens of thousands have put their names to secession petitions in 20 states, asking that they peacefully become independent from the rest of the country.

“The documents have been lodged on a government website We The People–and Texas has almost enough people behind its petition to warrant an official White House response.

“Along with the Lone Star state, petitions were filed from Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee. So keen are the folks in Georgia for a separation, that they filed their petition twice.

“Unsurprisingly, the majority of these states voted for Republican nominee Mitt Romney although petitions were also lodged in Democrat strongholds such as New York and Oregon.”

See the report here.

A report just released as this column is going to distribution states that over 675,000 signatures have been gathered from all 50 states. Plus, at least 7 states (including Texas) have accrued more than the minimum of 25,000 signatures necessary for the Obama administration to honor with a staff review.

See the report here.

Does anyone believe that these states are really going to secede from the union? Of course not. At least, not yet. Citizen petitions are just that. In order for a State to secede it would have to be formally declared by an act of the State’s legislature and governor. Good luck finding many of those.

However, I, for one, applaud the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have signed their State’s petitions for secession. If nothing else, it demonstrates the resolve and determination of freedom-minded people throughout the country who are more than “fed up.”

Plus, I do believe these petitions are significant. That the federal government has become a monstrous leviathan that is trampling the liberties of the people, usurping the authority of the states, and making a mockery of the Constitution is the understatement of the year. Both major parties in Washington, D.C., are led by a cabal of Big Money, globalist elites. Barack Obama might be the point man, but he has a supporting cast of hundreds from both sides of the aisle, from Wall Street, and from Corporate America. And let’s not forget labor unions, the education establishment, Big Media, and Big Religion. They are all standing in line to get their share of milk from the government teat. Hardly anyone in a position of authority and influence gives a tinker’s dam about constitutional governance or the Bill of Rights.

At least Steve Stockman was elected to Congress. The undisputed champion of the Constitution and personal liberty, Ron Paul, has retired, and his absence leaves a void on Capitol Hill the size of the Grand Canyon. Steve’s presence will help fill at least some of that void. Go, Steve, Go!

However, the problem is much bigger than one seat in the US House of Representatives. Washington, D.C., has become more than a monster; it is a menace; it is a plague. And it is destroying everything that was good and decent in America. Most of the problems that our states and local communities are dealing with were caused by the miscreants in Washington, D.C. And, unfortunately, instead of serving as a guardian of the liberties of the people of the several states, most State governors, legislators, senators, etc., have jumped on Washington’s big-government bandwagon. So, where does that leave the people? It leaves them frustrated, fearful, angry, and signing citizen petitions for secession. Who can blame them?

Obamacare is going to bankrupt an already bankrupt nation. It’s going to put sick people on an assembly-line, one-size-fits-all healthcare disaster. To get an idea of what’s coming, take a close look at our VA clinics. It’s going to drive tens of thousands of very competent and qualified physicians out of practice. And remember, Mr. Romney barely made Obamacare a campaign issue. Why? Because he and his staffers helped create the dumb thing. That’s why.

Furthermore, most everyone is predicting that Obama will coerce the US Senate (yes, enough Republicans will go along with the Democrats) into signing the UN Small Arms Treaty. Many say that this treaty could pave the way for outlawing personal firearms–maybe even the attempted confiscation of personal firearms. Not surprisingly, the sale of guns and ammo has gone through the roof since Election Day.

At this juncture, I simply must make this studied prediction: treaty or no treaty, UN or no UN, law or no law, there are millions of able-bodied Americans all over the fruited plain who are not going to surrender their firearms to anybody. They just flat aren’t going to do it! If the federal government truly wants to legitimize and explode what is now merely citizen petitions for secession into full-fledged, honest-to-God, bring-it-on, declarations of independence by numerous State legislatures analogous to 1776, let them attempt to outlaw and confiscate people’s firearms. With no disrespect to my friends north of the border and overseas, this is not Canada or Australia. This is America, and we will never surrender our guns! Period!

And as an aside, a friend of mine, not in military service, just shot a bull elk over the weekend with a .300 Winchester Magnum rifle at a distance of 960 yards. One shot. One kill. And he is only one of thousands of Montanans that know how to do that. Let me ask all of the would-be tyrants in Washington, D.C., some questions: what’s Montana worth to you? What’s Idaho worth to you? What’s Wyoming worth to you? What are the Dakotas worth to you? What’s Texas worth to you? What’s Arizona worth to you? What’s Louisiana worth to you? What’s Oklahoma worth to you?

And for all of my freedom-loving friends out there, it’s time RIGHT NOW to make up your mind and decide how much freedom is worth to you, because the only thing separating you and me from slavery is “the people’s liberty-teeth” (George Washington’s characterization of guns). You can’t make up your mind when federal troops are standing on your doorstep. You’ve got to make up your mind NOW. And I’m saying that there are tens of millions of Americans whose minds are already made up on this matter. Furthermore, it’s time for our men and women in uniform to decide what side of the line they are going to be standing on when the order is given to seize Americans’ firearms. That decision must be made in your hearts RIGHT NOW.

Add to Obamacare and potential gun confiscation an economy that everyone is saying is headed “over the cliff.” Boys and girls, America is one national disaster away from a total economic meltdown, or at the very least hyperinflation. And Mr. Obama has no intention of bringing the troops home. He is as much the servant of war profiteers as was G.W. Bush. America’s wars of aggression in the Middle East are only going to escalate–further devastating our economic well-being.

And all the while, Russia and China continue to build their militaries (with America’s assistance, no less), salivating over the opportunity to launch a nuclear attack against us.

In addition, there is absolutely nothing I have stated in this column that is not being commonly discussed in dining rooms, restaurants, and taverns all over America. Just about everybody sees the handwriting on the wall.

If you would like to sign the secession petition in your State, the White House has a petition website where you can participate. Click here.

I am absolutely convinced this is just the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the surface is a waking giant that is just beginning to arouse from slumber. Just exactly what this means and how it will all play out is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure: if the federal government wants to see another Civil War, just let it begin confiscating people’s guns. That’s what started the first one, and that’s what would start the second one.

In the meantime, these citizen petitions demonstrate that people are truly beginning to wake up. Mitt Romney would have put them to sleep; Barack Obama has awakened them. That’s the one good thing the reelection of Barack Obama has accomplished!

P.S. I am happy to announce that Liberty Fellowship now has its own website.

Furthermore, readers should know that there are hundreds–maybe thousands–of people across the country who are thoroughly fed up with these feel-good, stand-for-nothing churches and are gathering together in small groups to watch Liberty Fellowship’s livestreamed service each Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm Mountain Time.

Included on the Liberty Fellowship website is a page entitled, “Find Groups.” This page will be devoted to those people who are gathering together, or who want to gather together, to watch Liberty’s livestream service online. I already know of groups like this in Virginia, South Carolina, Arizona, California, and several other states.

The Liberty Fellowship website.

If you are already meeting in a group and would like others to know about it, so that they might join you, please submit your CITY, STATE, and EMAIL ADDRESS to this email address.

We will add this information to the “Find Groups” page, so you can begin connecting with like-minded folks who want to join Liberty Fellowship online in your area.

If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link.

And please visit my web site for past columns and much more.

© 2012 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded. He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He and his wife, Connie, have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Chuck and his family reside in the Flathead Valley of Montana. See Chuck’s complete bio here.




A shocking Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that last week an “intense” battle erupted in the US State of Michigan between military forces loyal to the Obama regime and American rebels that killed at least 380 men, women and children who had gathered to oppose their nations slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship.

According to this report, nearly 500 people opposed to the Obama regime had assembled for a “clandestine” meeting in the Michigan country of Alpena in an effort to form a 50-State alliance of local law enforcement and political officers seeking to “turn the tide” of their nations path towards dictatorship even, should it be necessary, by armed force.

The FSB states in this report that hostilities erupted when the American rebel forces gathered at this meeting indentified “several” undercover FBI informants who were seeking to “escalate tensions” and arrested them whereupon, “within minutes,” a contingent of “heavily armed” Obama regime federal police forces attempted to, in turn, arrest these rebel leaders.

After a “prolonged skirmish” between these rebel forces and Obama regime federal police, this report continues, the US Military launched a series of airstrikes, the largest being a 2,000 lb laser guided bomb that hit in the middle of those gathered at this meeting killing over three quarters of them instantly.

To how powerful this blast was we can read as reported by a local Michigan reporter named Bob Powell who wrote: “At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman.”

Important to note is that this reporter was swiftly detained and arrested by Obama forces when he attempted to gather more information.

Over the next nearly 48-hours since the initial bomb drop upon the rebels, this report continues, Obama regime military forces “numbering in the high-hundreds” descended upon Michigan [photo 2nd left] utilizing nearly 85 combat transport helicopters and A-10 Thunderbolt air-to-ground missile equipped fighter aircraft.

Confirming the chaos of this battle we can, also, read as confirmed by the Natural Society News Service which, in part, says:

“Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick. The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked. One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistent, loud booms for the last hour or more.”

Russian nuclear experts contributing to this FSB report state that the elevated radiation levels associated with this attack by the Obama regime upon these rebel forces state that they were caused by the bombs used because they contain depleted uranium, and that there is the “strong likelihood” various other rebel areas of the States of Michigan and Indian may have been targeted too.

This FSB report further states that the “massive retaliation” against these rebels by the Obama regime was due to their having military grade weapons in which to defend themselves and their families.

In less than 48-hours, however, after this attack an “angry and livid” Obama regime put a clampdown on its programme that has supplied US local police forces with military weapons, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the Fox News Service:

“The Defense Department has stopped issuing weapons to thousands of law enforcement agencies until it is satisfied that state officials can account for all the surplus guns, aircraft, Humvees and armored personnel carriers it has given police under a $2.6 billion program, The Associated Press has learned.

The department’s Defense Logistics Agency ordered state-appointed coordinators in 49 states to certify the whereabouts of that equipment that has already been distributed through the long-running arrangement overseen by the agency’s Law Enforcement Support Office.”

This FSB report notes that the death toll they projected in this report is, indeed, an estimate, but further state that based on the number of body-bags requested by Obama regime forces in the aftermath of this battle it could even go higher.

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had detailed in our previous report “Russia Shocked After Thousands Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”, the Obama regime is operating completely within the law of the United States that now gives their President unprecedented powers to kill and imprison any citizen he so chooses without either evidence or trial, and even newer laws that allows the US government for the first time in its history to deliberately lie and deceive all of them for any reason whatsoever.

Why this cover story? For anyone who has been vaporized from radaition, killed or injured by debris, or eye-witnessed to the battle who have now disappeared, it will be said they were part of this rebel militia. Those with severe developing radiation symptoms will be “arrested” as dmestic terrorists under this story

We are Ted Nugent

Posted: 04/21/2012 by Lynn Dartez in 2012, Amendments, Dr. Manning, Feds, FEMA CAMPS, Gun Control

Lumin Consulting
April 15, 2012

In the hopes of creating awareness of what CISPA actually is and how it could effect the lives of every day people, we created this infographic. Feel free to share the graphic on your site. You can find quotes from Fortune 500 CEO’s who are endorsing the bill here. You can also write a letter to your local representative to protest CISPA here.

CISPA Infographic by Lumin ConsultingInfographic designed by Lumin Consulting


By Paul McGuire
16, 2012

Director Stanley Kubrick, who directed such films as “2001: A Space Odyssey, “A Clockwork Orange,” and “Eyes Wide Shut,” directed his 1964 hit, “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,” commonly known as “Dr. Strangelove,” is a film which satirizes the nuclear scare. It was directed, produced, and co-written by Stanley Kubrick, starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott. Stanley Kubrick whose film’s are eerily prophetic, was aware the plan to regenerate the human race from the people sheltered in mineshafts is a satire of Nelson Rockefeller’s, Edward Teller’s, Herman Kahn’s, and Chet Holifield’s1961 plan to spend billions of dollars on a nationwide network of concrete-lined underground fallout shelters capable of holding millions of people. An idea that has now been implemented on a mass scale across the world, where both Russia and the United States have massive cities and bunkers underground that are capable of withstanding a nuclear war.

In 1960, physicist Herman Kahn came out with his book, “On Thermonuclear War, “where he came up with a theoretical example of a doomsday machine to illustrate mutual assured destruction (MAD). The basic idea was that both the Americans and the Russians wanted to live and that they would not want to engage in an all-out nuclear war. Thus the fear of mutual nuclear destruction would keep Russia and America in line. Kahn popularized the term Megadeaths, when describing world targets. However, today the idea of mutually assured destruction as a deterrent to nuclear war is no longer a viable concept, because with militant Islamic nations like Iran, they believe that by starting some kind of nuclear jihad, the Islamic Messiah will return. In addition, they believe that martyrdom guarantees entrance into paradise, which changes the psychological dynamics of the game, because it removes the fear of nuclear holocaust.

In an article in the American Dream, February 15, 2012, entitled, “Is Obama Going To Unilaterally Slash The Size of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal By Another 80 Percent?” the statement is made:

“Barack Obama wants to disarm America. There simply is no other way to explain his reckless behavior. On Tuesday it came out that the Obama administration is considering plans to unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent. From a military standpoint, this is utter insanity. Early in his presidency, Barack Obama signed a treaty with Russia that restricts both nations to a maximum of 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads. But now Obama wants to cut the size of the U.S. arsenal down to as low as 300, without requiring the Russians to do anything. In addition, we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese, and we have no idea how many deployed nuclear warheads they have… When Russian and Chinese missiles are raining down on American cities it will be too late to do something about it then.”

Obviously, it is impossible to really understand why President Obama is allegedly considering this, since we are involved in a global chess game and propaganda. Currently the U.S. has over 150,000 troops surrounding Iran. Naval vessels are forming a blockade of Iran’s oil exports in the Strait of Hormuz. The average American or Russian submarine, that is fully nuclear equipped, currently has enough nukes per submarine to destroy the world. It appears there is a coming conflict between Israel and Iran. But, beneath all of this, the elite who control our world from places like the city of London, where the Rothschild family rules the world. The stage is being set for a planetary regime change. Powerful occult forces like the Illuminati are using manufactured crisis to bring in their global government, global economic system and global religion. I expose all of this in my 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government? One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” available at

There are many reasons to invade the Middle East that go back before the Roman Empire. But, first let’s follow the money. Some economists believe that there are only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under the control of the Rothschild banking empire. Allegedly before 9-11 there were seven banks that were not under Rothschild control. They were Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Cuba, Libya, Iran and North Korea. The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) is not directly under the Rothschild banking empire control.


The Rothschild banking empire has direct connections to the Illuminati going back before 1776. There are many people who have great difficulty accepting this Rothschild-Illuminati connection. However, any serious student of the Bible understands the relationship between the coming one world government, the coming one world economic system, the False Prophet, the cashless society, and the coming one world religion. In this coming one world government ruled by the Antichrist, the False Prophet, who is head of the coming one world religion, is also head of the coming one world economic system, where you cannot buy or sell without receiving the mark of the beast, which is a microchip or biochip implant. The Rothschild banking empire control the international banking families like Rockefeller. Their goal which is openly stated, is the creation of a one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. In my 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready?” I document the interlocking relationship between these entities.

The Federal Reserve System, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements form the economic structure for the New International Economic Order. We live in a time when we are about to experience global economic transformation and the creation of a one world economic system. However, any analysis of this economic transformation would be superficial without understanding the occult connection between the economic principles contained in the Illuminati Manifesto, an occult secret society and the economic structures implemented globally. This was primarily done through Socialism and Communism, which are simply mirrors of Illuminati teaching. Europe, America and the rest of the world are operating under these principles.

We are now in the final stages of a global revolution that has taken centuries. The method of radical societal transformation that is taking us there is fear! The Illuminati motto is, “Order Out of Chaos.” The Communists and Socialists call it “manufactured crisis.

Zbigneiw Brzezinski, co-founder of the Tri-Lateral Commission, in his book, “The Grand Chess Board,” develops the thesis that America is much like Rome was, especially with its ability to rapidly deploy military forces around the world. Brzezinski points out that specifically oil and other natural resources are essential for economic expansion. He identifies Eurasia, which is a geographic super-state that encompasses Europe and Asia as the historically key region to control:”

“Two basic steps are thus required: first, to identify the geostrategically dynamic Eurasian states that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power and to decipher the central external goals of their respective political elites and the likely consequences of their seeking to attain them;… second, to formulate specific U.S. policies to offset, co-opt, and/or control the above…” (p. 40)

Then is simpler terms and much more direct in his comparison to the Roman Empire, Brzezinski writes, “To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.” (p.40)

In George Orwell’s, “1984,” Big Brother rules through a hypnotic media fear of conflict with Eurasia. Like Rome, America and Big Brother understand that he who controls Eurasia rules the world. This superstate excludes Britain and Ireland (both controlled by Oceania) and Eastasia, which was formed after a ‘decade of confused fighting’ by an alliance of the states of the real-life East Asia region, the most important three being Korea, China and Japan. India was a contested border zone between Eurasia and Oceania and was the most famous state involved.

In “1984, George Orwell makes the point, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

Many of the predictions made by George Orwell in his book “1984,” in relation to “Big Brother” surveillance, corruption of language and control of history have already come about to a great extent in Communist countries and to some extent in the West. The powers of security police in Western countries to intercept mail and tap phones have often been extended, police agencies keep numerous files on law-abiding citizens, and more and more public officials have the right to enter private homes without a warrant. Many government departments keep computerized information on citizens and there is a danger that this information will be fed into a centralized data bank.

The book’s hero, Winston Smith, works in the Ministry of Truth rewriting and falsifying history, like a growing percentage of those who call themselves journalists and reporters in American and Europe today who endlessly occupy the minds of the masses with the deaths of Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston.

© 2012 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.

Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, “The Paul McGuire Show” for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.

Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” Paul has interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives in Los Angeles, California.

At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying “Altered States of Consciousness” at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie “Field of Dreams.” Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.




By Roy Masters
January 18, 2012

[NOTE: My Be Still and Know exercise is an antidote to the sort of pressured learning discussed in this article. See the very end of this article for information.]

“Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” —Genesis 2:16-17

There are rapists who are psychopathic enough to feel that their victims benefit from being violated.

But sexual rape is not the only kind there is; one can rape the soul, mind and body with religion, education and with drugs. Likewise, rape is not always forced and violent. Seduction is also rape, whereby through deception you find in yourself what is not supposed to be there.

There are classes of social psychopaths who, like the sex rapist, feel that they are doing you a service when they violate you with education, religion, politics and medicine.

The “benefit” of rape, whether by seduction or by sudden violent pressure, is the special creation of a new identity and reality for the victim. For, once violated, the victim tends to cling to vile rapists of all kinds for reassurance through escape and for identity reinforcement (in the same moment of escape). Psychopaths pride themselves in being creators of sick realities for sick personalities (all the while pretending to enrich your life).

Afraid of truth, all psychotic victims are indeed fascinated with the reassurances of evil. Being drawn hypnotically toward the familiar spirit makes them its legal prey; a bad conscience makes every temptation attractive. Victims are drawn like moths to a candle because the violently implanted identity craves the comfort of the rapist “parent” that gave it life. Seeking refuge from one psychopath, you become involved with others. Unless you find something called understanding, there is no salvation, no escape from wicked-shepherd, letter-of-the-law authorities.

The syndrome is something like having a fight with a woman and making up in bed. Any violation through violence, pressure or tease has a way of making itself familiar. Being raped is like undergoing psychic judo—you trip, you fall, you cling to what tripped you because that’s all there is left to give you support, and you fall harder.

Would you believe it—if you were violated by fire, you would find ordeal-by-fire attractive and you would seek fulfillment by fire? Psychopaths know this principle well.

Do you know what welders often do when they get burned? They put the torch close to the burn for comfort. They call that pulling the heat out of the burn. Would you do that sort of thing if you were burned? Some people would, and the reason why has something to do with the way they react, with whether or not they were violated by the experience.

Now this principle applies to everything in life, especially education. Are you going to learn in such a way that you lose yourself in what you are doing so much that it becomes you and cries out for the “rapist”?

Some rapists are psychopaths, others are psychotic puppets carrying out programmed “orders,” compulsively acting out a dream and dramatizing the character of their models. In a manner of speaking, they kill because the captain ordered the sergeant to order the soldier, and the soldier cannot refuse. Amazing how one man—the general—can move an entire army to its death, and the whole army cannot oppose the general.

When we are violated, that which disturbed us becomes the basis, the foundation, of what we are and what we are going to be. And no matter how vile that potential is, it is all we have. To lose the assurances of our corrupter/model seems like ceasing to exist. The baring of the guilt-stained soul to the light is more torture than we can bear. If sinning and killing pleases our master, then we kill for the relief of his embrace.

Like Chinese communists who brainwashed people by making them study Mao Tse-tung’s book, so do false religions and false education create a robot-elite by forced study. From six to eighteen years of age, children are required to sit six hours a day listening to some impatient bore instead of being outside, learning and playing through experience and curiosity. No wonder our children are mad, bad and sick.


Since time immemorial it has been said that knowledge opens new worlds. We are persuaded or forced (for our own “good”) to learn everything we can because knowledge is supposed to liberate the mind. That concept is certainly very appealing, for it is almost perfectly true—but not quite true, because, in fact, only the truth can set you free. Pridefully acquired knowledge merely liberates the soul from understanding.

But surely truth and factual knowledge are the same, aren’t they? The answer is that although they should complement one another, they can, through seduction and pressure, become separated and lead in opposite directions. People can learn themselves away from understanding.

Haven’t you heard the old saying, “all knowledge and no common sense”? Knowledge minus understanding is prideful, hypnotic and traumatic. However, knowledge can lead to awakening and to understanding, and when it does, knowledge ceases.

When knowledge leads you up to understanding and is no more, understanding takes over, replacing the dependency upon knowledge with the wholesome dependency upon self-understanding. Since it involves growing through discovery, understanding sets you free from knowledge and from the need to memorize; it delivers you from dusty old teachers and books. It is precisely for this reason that understanding threatens authorities; this is why they selfishly force you to learn.

If everyone had understanding, who would need authorities? Who would need problem solvers if we could solve our own problems? Psychopaths perpetuate their leadership by leading you away from understanding.

When knowledge can be held out to appear greater than understanding, then he who tempts through knowledge leads with knowledge. And so, as victims in bondage through knowledge, we are set apart from the understanding of how we have been tricked and what has gone wrong with our lives.

And by way of the tree of knowledge, here we are, lost in the learning trap, bewildered and confused. And now all that rises to solve the problems caused by being lost in knowledge is more knowledge, and more bondage to the serpent of knowledge. And so we sink in a mire of despair.

Are you beginning to understand the appeal of knowledge to your ego and its power over you?

If you are forced or coerced to study or concentrate too hard, too long, on anything, good or bad, your attention becomes so involved, so lost, so hypnotized, that it can’t get back to where it was. Because of the terrible errors of judgment made under that spell, you may be unable, even afraid, to come back to the reality from whence you fell. A variation of this same principle lies behind every pleasure of sin. False security and relief from guilt come from being more completely involved with whatever or whoever holds your attention ever more perfectly. And this is especially true with study—you can temporarily relieve the inferiority from the guilt of study by studying ever harder.

Whether you realize it or not, concentration is not a way of improving yourself; it is a way of giving up your soul to attain some imagined ego-objective. Fascination is the second stage of concentration. Here your ego becomes relieved of the guilt of achieving through being more and more completely captivated by ideas and concepts. To capture anyone’s soul, then, you must get him to try, will and want, and then you can trap him through his imagination. (Another form of this is to encourage egos to imagine “creatively”—later to fantasize and to escape.) Now if you try hard to do something, the same thing happens. When you realize the truth about trying, you might try not to try, but that is still trying. Trying to solve your problem by trying causes more anxiety about the problem because will is still involved.

The razor’s-edge difference between knowledge and deep understanding is the difference between doing it the easy or the hard way, and between life and death.

To seek to know oneself as God amid the knowledge of one’s own mind happens to be the original sin. Permit me now to lay bare the subtle terror which lurks behind book-learning as opposed to understanding for yourself.


There is a killer system in this world, the sole purpose of which is to trick you into being proud in order to capture you through knowledge—and defeat your unfoldment through understanding. The serpent of the knowledge tree is still around, enticing us toward glory through knowledge, mocking our innocence. The parasitical human agencies who subscribe willfully to that system are programmed to destroy your understanding for the sake of their power over you. They will try their damnedest to displace the spirit of the word (understanding) which leads toward life, with the letter of the word (the spirit behind knowledge) which leads to death. Having been converted, you too will begin to reflect, cling to and serve the serpent spirit of the dry-knowledge system.

Without realizing the danger, and thinking it to be advantageous, vast numbers of people revel in corruption by opening wide their mouths and allowing religion to be shoved down their throats. The reason is that, once separated from an intuitive source of knowing and being, the vain and the fallen crave knowledge to distract and to fill the void of their souls; it is their way of forgetting to realize. The spirit that rises to “save” you with knowledge is always that which felled you with knowledge.

Knowledge, then, begins to substitute for understanding and facts become imaginary name-things into which you can escape from understanding. You forget (guilt) in one way by remembering in another. To involve your willful self in thinking and in worry provides relief from truth as well as renewed hope for the forbidden things of glory and power.

To think hard about anything provides an almost perfect escape from realizing its deeper meaning. It is easy to fool ourselves into believing that we are seeking truth when we look to knowledge for truth, because just as the appeal of knowledge can lead astray, so can more of it lead you from realizing the sin of it. And that is just as true of knowledge about good things as it is of the knowledge of evil.

With the fall to knowledge comes the guilt of pride, and the guilty nature, retreating from understanding which exposes guilt, finds refuge in more knowledge, excuses, rationale, verses and chapters, and educational escapism.

In all psychotic positive-thinking/learning episodes, knowledge similar to understanding rises in the mind in such a way that it seems to originate from within. Knowledge enveloping your soul in this way makes your ego feel as if it were the divine source of truth. The kind of knowledge that lends itself to getting lost in makes you “high.” But no matter whether it is emotionally or intellectually induced, any high becomes the next low, attended by more guilt.

With knowledge comes guilt; through understanding comes innocence.

Guilt and inferiority are caused by the conflict between what we have become through knowledge and what we might have become through understanding. Alas, through ambition or weakness we have become prisoners of the spirit behind knowledge and we can’t (or won’t) get back by struggling against it improperly, i.e., with resentment.

Knowledge, which causes sin when we use it to build our ego, then appears in different guises as if to save us from sin. Without the benefit of understanding, our feelings of emptiness and inadequacy get twisted around and interpreted to mean that our solution lies in more knowledge. You can be intimidated into thinking that you don’t know enough, and tricked into wanting to be with people who are supposed to know. We look to accomplished, lettered men of science and religion to save us. And that is the knowledge trap.

Even when you are “into” sound philosophic truths, you are rarely threatened by what such lofty words mean. The excitement of learning tends to draw the ego deeper into a psychotic sleep that prevents the awakening to meaning; instead, we awaken in a dream universe amid comforting, lofty word-things. So it comes to pass that we can know truth egotistically, without really realizing or being intimate with truth at all. All we have are noises and image-things in our heads which are real to us, memories that one day fall apart at the grave, laying bare the evil spirit of knowledge behind them.

Before I go on, allow me to run through the principle of evolutionary compensation through knowledge once more.

Any excitement or pressure creates a psychotic, emotional state of involvement with the intelligence behind that pressure which frees the prideful soul from reality to evolve physically and spiritually separate from God, with an earthy, independent ego-life and mortal selfhood. Through the challenges and problems caused by self-seeking through knowledge, a false, selfish type of concern and cunning evolves which passes for goodness and intelligence. As in all psychotic episodes, the soul eludes its guilt amid evolving knowledge-answers. We don’t want simple answers; we need complexity to maintain our pride.

The illusion of progress is almost perfect, except that every upset or shock which evolves an answer also produces greater problems. Eventually, when our own systems fail miserably, we substitute other people’s knowledge-answers. But what really is the basic nature of any ego-answer? It is always a more complete involvement with mind (through emotion), aiming for grandeur (at best), but settling for “innocence” (at least). If we can’t be great ourselves, we can at least be grateful to those who help ease our guilt. For part two click below.

Click here for part —–> 2,

[NOTE: The antidote to becoming or remaining entangled with unhealthy knowledge is learning to deal properly, i.e., without resentment, to pressure of any kind. My Be Still and Know audio exercise shows you how to do this and helps you practice remaining in the proper state. You can listen to it free and, if you like it, purchase your own copy, at or by calling 800-877-3227.]

Contact Roy Masters

Listen to Roy Masters LIVE call in radio show Monday to Friday from 9 PM to 11 PM Pacific on KDWN Radio in Las Vegas, NV.

© 2012 Roy Masters – All Rights Reserved

Roy Masters—who in his 80s continues to broadcast the longest-running counseling show in talk radio history, his internationally syndicated daily radio program Advice Line, grew up in pre-WWII England. He started his journey toward understanding human nature when as a teen he saw a stage hypnotist at a vaudeville show in Brighton. The hypnotist easily put volunteer subjects in a spell and made them do outlandish things, like dancing with a broom and forgetting their own names.

Puzzled by the hypnotist’s mysterious power, Roy distinctly remembers pondering the question: “Why can’t hypnotism be used to make people act sensibly, rather than foolishly?” Inspired by the idea of harnessing this baffling force for good, he later pursued the art of hypnotism and established a successful hypnotherapy practice.

After several years of practice, Masters made his central and pivotal discovery about the root of people’s emotional problems, addictions and complexes. He realized that people did not need hypnosis, because their core problem was that they are already hypnotized—not by a clever stage performer, but by the stresses, pressures and seductions of daily life.

He used his knowledge to discover a way to help us become de-hypnotized, and discovered that the root of the power of negative suggestion lay in our wrong emotional response, that of resentment. Masters’ remarkably effective exercise, a simple observation technique called Be Still and Know—is at the core of his unmatched track record in helping people overcome even the most serious mental-emotional problems, and is the centerpiece of a successful program within the U.S. military community (“Patriot Outreach”) that is helping thousands of military personnel and their families cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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By Roy Masters
January 31, 2012

[NOTE: At the end of this article, see antidote to the sort of pressured learning discussed here.]

Murder by knowledge, that is to say, brainwashing that forces conformity to any political or religious ideology, can be applied two different ways. The first is the application of incessant pressure to memorize everything to the exclusion of everything else and make those who do not conform disappear and the like. The second form of murder by knowledge is much more sophisticated and used in China to the end that they produce excellent engineers and scientists minus their common sense. Students are given a chance for a splendid education, but in order to graduate they are put through several months of grueling, exhausting, debilitating pressures and forced to memorize every useful or useless educational morsel put before them. Only those who pass muster will get a degree. The result works well for the system. Winners lose their intuition and cannot bring forth anything new and losers lose all hope. Perhaps you remember how stupid you felt when you could not make the grade because of such pressures. This is how and why China produces intelligent dehumanized machines so as to steal and reproduce the intellectual rights of the world, but never originates anything new. The political value lies in an elite system of scientists, engineers and dropouts who can never summon the intuitive will to rebel against their shadow tyranny.

The lives of students everywhere are imperiled by the kind of pressured growing and learning aimed at creating a feudal system of zombies who are forbidden to see for themselves and who must look to Big Brother for everything. “Good students,” the kind that readily submit to indoctrination, are often potential traitors to humanity. As temporary or permanent enemies of understanding, they are destined to become the next generation of hierarchical, ecclesiastical, letter-of-the-law parents and teachers without any patience for those seeking to understand.

When I was a child, I was slow to grasp. Because my understanding forbade me to learn in the way of the world, I can still understand life today. Because I wanted to get to the bottom of what was taught me, I was very slow to learn; but I got through and I am speaking to you now from the other side, and the other side is testifying to where I am coming from.

Super-ambitious people are blind, unprincipled, beastly, mercilessly cruel achievers. If they are not our social keepers and bureaucratic puppets, they are psychopathic or psychotic killers, taking pride in tearing down what made them (or destroyed them). Any kind of learning without the benefit of understanding builds pride. The evil pride-thing operating through knowledge hardens the heart; it dehumanizes as it teaches. (Even street knowledge makes the rebel proud.)

Sensitive dropouts (by and large more intelligent than the cop-outs) often become anti-social. Some cannot learn because of a total rebellion against the rape of pressure-teaching. Their minds erect emotional barriers to protect against being made over in the image of the mad spirit of education. Alas, they have the mad spirit nevertheless. To respond, even in rebellion, is to obey—we become what we hate or love (cling to).

Although knowledge does seem to be the enemy, the real enemy is always the pressure-spirit behind knowledge; our weakness—the struggle for it or the struggle against it—lets it in.

The system that projects its vileness into a child in the first place, looks at him as though he were the problem in the second place. The pathetic plight of every victim challenges and justifies the system to give more foul, soul-killing “help.” Therefore, the vile spirit of the rote-learning system hardens the soul in its revolt against being “helped” by the parent/teacher/minister, but rebellion only gives power to false authorities, making it seem as if they have the right to shove religion, educational brainwashing and criminal reform down the victims’ throats. Conversely, rebels who have become decadent and vile through their rebellion, enjoy their contempt for hypocrisy in order to maintain their “integrity” and their right to destroy through rebellion. The more the wicked system tries to help, the bigger the sickness it creates, which then seems to need its help—you know, “after all, the kids can’t read” type of thing. The cure is the sickness. The “help” of the world is a hindrance to meaningful change, and the victims of such assistance generally go mad either trying to make it or rebelling. Through taxes, research and special programs, we are being made to finance our own destruction.

Even though right things are sometimes taught (the right numbers, verses and chapters reeled off and behavior patterns drilled in) the spirit of the system projects its own secret vileness at the very moment it pretends to reform. Hell’s projection through the neurotic application of knowledge is ignorance, crime, revolution, disease, famine, war, and all manner of tragedy.

The trademark of evil is pressure. It violates and creates the need for more of the same. Pressure is calculated to drive out understanding and make one dependent on it as the ground of one’s knowing and being.

Decisions made under emotional duress and pressure, whether in rebellion or conformity to it, always favor the pressure sources. Having fallen prey to the excitement of temptation, we find ourselves subject to the excitement of pressure. We come to need pressure to function, to make decisions, to learn, to escape and to maintain rebellion.

Just as conformity to the system mysteriously destroys the soul, even so does rebellion. As victims, we do not realize that while knowledge may be blocked through resentment-based rebellion, the identity behind the pressure gets inside us nevertheless. The struggle for or the struggle against amounts to the pathos of your ego willing and trying, concentrating, fixated in such a way that you are drawn deeper into the hypnosis of your sin.

Criminals become on the outside what hypocrites are like on the inside. And now, between the two extremes giving power to one another, they evolve hell’s miserable world into existence, blocking out the plan of heaven on earth which could come through the space of patient understanding.

The hell you see around you evolved through hypocrisy, through the misuses of law, religion and science. And it is your willful struggling to save yourself egotistically that compels you to work against your own best interest.

Even though you personally might desire a life of understanding, those who are threatened by it can block you from the light if you resent them, trapping you to trust and rely on them through that resentment. The inferiority that attends the emotion of resentment (because of having become upset and judgmental) can unconsciously drive you to compensate by living up to what they want for you, or to best them with some kind of achievement requiring evolution and knowledge. Since any compensation always causes more guilt than it cures, you can even come to fear being better. So it comes to pass that knowledge can cause ignorance.

Resentment toward your mother can set you up to want what she wants for you, to please her and placate her pressure. And later, the pain of achievement can cause you to fear what it does to you and thus to reject that achievement and become a failure in order to “get even” with mother; but that itself is another form of trying, dreaming and achieving, even if what you become is an alcoholic (or worse).

The spirit of reform is the selfsame spirit that has created most insanity and criminality. Such a system does not ever intend to reform or cure anyone. Through its serpent-like hypocrisy and artificial, contrived rules, regulations and answers, it slyly hardens, cripples and finally kills you. The answer is simple—just observe, watch, trust what you realize about others and yourself. Don’t rebel or conform. No need to do anything—wait.

Social psychopaths rising as reformers and teachers are ever seeking more and more power to strangle the life, selfhood and freedom of the masses. The power-hungry elite are determined to make mankind dependent upon them for answers. Our growing needs cry out for them to dig down into their dark, bottomless intellects to the hell which lives in them and on our dying to them.

Is it so hard to believe that there exists a class of beings to whom, in our sin, we are delivered to suffer unto death or to awakening?

It has been said that the devil is an ape, and that he is also a gentleman. Social psychopaths can rise to power quickly because their unprincipled natures allow them to rapidly memorize and mimic. Such smiling Hitlers are threatened by the brightness of an understanding child. They all know that their time is short, for enlightenment is coming to this dark world. And when it does, understanding will overcome the tin gods of knowledge-power who live off our dying to them for answers.

No need to try, no need to struggle. Just watch everyone challenging, teasing and tempting you; put a distance between you and them. Look—don’t learn. Just scan, appreciate, watch. You will come to realize what you need to know—that’s all. Wait until that realizing works its way through you EFFORTLESSLY.

Do you see why the rapist-forces can impatiently “teach” one kind while destroying another? Those who are destroyed are often the most suited to project on earth a peaceful, heavenly kingdom. The vile system is never threatened by all us confused, confounded victims; it is flattered by the conformist and strengthened by the rebel—that is, ‘til comes the day of the rebel, the time when the hell created by the matrix of hypocrisy breaks loose, as it surely will. For the seeds of destruction are within every prideful being.

I cannot bring my message to the rulers of the world. I cannot go to the behavioral scientists and say, “Look what you are doing to all the little children with your meaningless, boring teaching methods and pressures.” They will not and cannot see what they are doing wrong. (But our end is just, for we elect the kind of leaders we deserve.)

Psychopaths exist to trap, confuse, confound, dehumanize and destroy mankind by hook or by crook. That is what they are created to do. Remember, all solutions without understanding bring never-ending challenges that, in turn, cause hell, with all its knowledge, to come to the rescue. But knowledge cannot save, because it is a bog and not clear water. And the life of the troll in the bog depends upon your budding ego falling into the knowledge swamp.

Building our ego with knowledge causes problems, problems cause challenges, and challenges evolve into a downward evolution of animal ego-selfhood.


The social bureaucracy and the Mafia are both examples of successful, self-perpetuating systems of psychopaths and psychotics working together as a team. All such organizations are hell-based, even though some of them may wear the respectable cloak of legality. Education, for example, has evolved to where it can be seen as the absurd, heartless thing it was all along, requiring us to learn the useless, or the useful made useless and boring.

Not only do wicked authorities feel justified in impatiently pushing knowledge down “lazy” students’ throats, forcing them to learn garbage that cannot possibly be of any practical value in life, but when students try to grasp what is understandable, the teacher is also impatient. Such a teacher has the terrible power to make a sincere desire to understand seem all wrong. That attitude can upset a student, making him doubt his own sanity and become afraid of inquiry. Without an alternative to learning in the teacher’s way, he cannot learn at all.

This is the age of the psychopaths. They have evolved the authority to change your children into rebels, murderers, thieves and dope addicts or social climbers—self-righteous, characterless zombies and weaklings whose lives revolve around the lie of knowledge. The most intelligent children, those most fitted to rule and guide, those who might one day govern and teach intelligently, are being systematically destroyed through pressure. A death-centered, upside-down system is evolving where the slimy thing in the bottomless pit is emerging on top as a god, with terrible power through knowledge.

The scum of the earth rule and control, and their greatest enemy is the enlightenment and perception of understanding souls. We are made out to be mad. We are treated for the “sickness” of sanity. We are different. In America, thousands of children are slaughtered every year by impatient parents.

Laid bare before your eyes are two diametrically opposed systems which are, to all intents and purposes, apparently alike in their knowledge of science, religion, politics, human rights and law, except that one of them is diabolically evil. The evil psychopath often hides behind knowledge and respectability, and wherever he can, he will subtly betray, destroy, confound and mock those with understanding. The devil is who you elect and love, for he is the model of everything. Its identity reinforces itself through all your relationships and attractions. You look for love in all the wrong places. You always think your thoughts are your own. You believe your wants and desires are your very own—but they are not.

From early childhood you have been resentfully overreacting. This is what caused the cruel spirit inside others to get inside you. Little did you know that the spirit coming through the generations was replicating another clone, but neither you nor your parents knew it, and even if they did they could do nothing about it but struggle with it in the usual resentful, totally ineffective way. Through your unforgiveness you have been becoming like what you hated. If you didn’t give into it and become one of them, you struggled with it and it got inside, and that only made matters much worse.

Struggle no more: be still and know that God has sent his only begotten son with a message of forgiveness knowing that it was never you that did all those things but sin that made a home in you. The worst thing you’ve ever done is make an excuse for the enemy inside, but even that was given to you and kept you as an animal in conflict with your humanity. This is the affliction of the entire human race and why our yearning for completion is outwardly imperfect. Through all loving and being loved we are protecting our imperfections. This damnable trick is fully understood and exploited by sociopaths and psychopaths, and further perpetuated by infected people who do not know they are change agents. Therefore, if you no longer hold anything against anyone, beginning with your parents, then (faith in) the truth of Christ’s message of forgiveness has set you free. Reading this is not simply a study of words; it is a message to your soul, something for you to believe with joy.

Academe is the mortal enemy of individual, independent, intuitive learning through discovery. So much so that when two different scientists possessing the same knowledge and training oppose one another on vital issues, the psychopath will always maintain that what is dangerous is safe, and what is safe is dangerous.

The social psychopath is a subtle killer, one way or another. If he succeeds in becoming a justice of the Supreme Court, he will give clemency to the undeserving and be merciless to those who he perceives are innocent. He commits injustice with justice, protected behind the book he goes by.

And so, while knowledge could be presented in the simplest way, it is purposely complicated so that the mind cannot grasp the reality behind it. The rote system gives no choice. It forces you to learn and accept the spirit of learning or reject knowledge altogether. Continued pressure keeps you from understanding how to cope.

See then the two ways, and see one in the light of the other. Behold the counterfeit, which presents truth and justice in such a way that the mind becomes blocked to realizing and acting from its own best interest. Whether you react with conformity or rebellion, a prideful nature comes into existence—a slave revolving, evolving and devolving around the hell which tempted it into creation.

The hell-system applies steady pressure from the day of your birth to your death to keep you in a psychotic sleep, to know only what it teaches you. You may resist its suggestions, but never its spirit. Rebellion, you see, is merely the other way to conform, wherein you become suggestible to the criminal psychopath who comforts you like family in your contrary lifestyle.

Without understanding to modify what we hear, we are all suggestible as hell.

As a seeker, you are in conflict because, although you may hear the truthful facts, you sense danger. You see that knowledge is dry and dead, and that rote learning takes something away; but your resentment, blocking enlightenment and knowledge, makes you feel inferior for not being like others. All around, people are gobbling it all up, getting ahead and apparently prospering. Your sensibility is assaulted and overwhelmed; you become confused and confounded, doubting your own ability and sanity.

The serpent spirit of culture is responsible for millions of dropouts and misfits who have tried to reject the pressure-system of learning and religion as a way of preserving their selfhood. How were they to know that rebellion is another trap, taking you out of the frying pan into the fire? How were they to know that you can’t escape through rebellion? Whether you like the system or hate it, you evolve through it to serve the hell of it, taking pride in all sorts of “good knowledge,” and also excusing yourself with the bad knowledge gained from more honestly wicked company.

The warning of the prophet comes echoing down to us through the corridors of time—“The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.”

For God’s sake, parents, don’t let your children fall into the vile hands of the letter-people:

the letter-of-the-law judges and lawyers,
letter-of-the-law preachers,
letter-of-the-law doctors,
letter-of-the-law educators.

For all these heartless, psychopathic, go-by-the-book people are jailers in a psychotic halfway house on the way to hell.

Beware of the scribes and Pharisees of modern times:

their cure is a sickness,
their law makes lawlessness
and their education drives out reason and common sense.

Click here for part —–> 1,

[NOTE: The antidote to becoming or remaining entangled with unhealthy knowledge is learning to deal properly, i.e., without resentment, to pressure of any kind. My Be Still and Know audio exercise shows you how to do this and helps you practice remaining in the proper state. You can listen to it free and, if you like it, purchase your own copy, at or by calling 800-877-3227.]

Contact Roy Masters

Listen to Roy Masters LIVE call in radio show Monday to Friday from 9 PM to 11 PM Pacific on KDWN Radio in Las Vegas, NV.

© 2012 Roy Masters – All Rights Reserved

Roy Masters—who in his 80s continues to broadcast the longest-running counseling show in talk radio history, his internationally syndicated daily radio program Advice Line, grew up in pre-WWII England. He started his journey toward understanding human nature when as a teen he saw a stage hypnotist at a vaudeville show in Brighton. The hypnotist easily put volunteer subjects in a spell and made them do outlandish things, like dancing with a broom and forgetting their own names.

Puzzled by the hypnotist’s mysterious power, Roy distinctly remembers pondering the question: “Why can’t hypnotism be used to make people act sensibly, rather than foolishly?” Inspired by the idea of harnessing this baffling force for good, he later pursued the art of hypnotism and established a successful hypnotherapy practice.

After several years of practice, Masters made his central and pivotal discovery about the root of people’s emotional problems, addictions and complexes. He realized that people did not need hypnosis, because their core problem was that they are already hypnotized—not by a clever stage performer, but by the stresses, pressures and seductions of daily life.

He used his knowledge to discover a way to help us become de-hypnotized, and discovered that the root of the power of negative suggestion lay in our wrong emotional response, that of resentment. Masters’ remarkably effective exercise, a simple observation technique called Be Still and Know—is at the core of his unmatched track record in helping people overcome even the most serious mental-emotional problems, and is the centerpiece of a successful program within the U.S. military community (“Patriot Outreach”) that is helping thousands of military personnel and their families cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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