Archive for the ‘FEMA CAMPS’ Category

Richard Silverstein
Nov 19, 2012

Day 6: 95 Palestinians killed, 720 wounded.

The title of this post is harsh.  But the one I first considered was even more so: “Barack Obama, go to Hell.”  I am so glad I didn’t vote for this man for president.  At the time I cast my vote I did it thinking I was doing the right thing.  But in my heart regretting it.  If I had voted for him, now I my heart would be turning bitter as gall.

Here is what this sorry excuse for a leader had to say today in Thailand:

“[T]here is no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. So we are fully supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself from missiles landing on people’s homes…

Let’s understand what the precipitating event here was that’s causing the current crisis, and that was an ever-escalating number of missiles that were landing not just in Israeli territory but in areas that are populated.”

I also discovered this statement which appears to have been made separately and covers related, but different ground:

“Israel has every right to expect that it does not have missiles fired into its territory,” President Barack Obama said at a news conference in Bangkok at the start of a three-nation visit to Asia.

“If that can be accomplished without a ramping up of military activity in Gaza, that’s preferable,” Obama said. “It’s not just preferable for the people of Gaza. It’s also preferable for Israelis, because if Israeli troops are in Gaza, they’re much more at risk of incurring fatalities or being wounded.”

Let’s address this lame excuse for a political argument.  First, it could’ve been (and possibly was) drafted by an Aipac staffer.  It’s directly taken from pro-Israel talking points.  You’ve heard the same bullshit from Michael Oren a hundred times.  What this argument omits is that Israel has Gaza in a stranglehold.  It has turned the enclave into a virtual prison having no economy, no exports, no ability to travel in or out.  Gaza is occupied in effect by Israel.  This occupation is illegal.  Any nation has a right to resist such an occupation.

I do not support firing missiles from Gaza into Israel.  But I do not support Israel’s occupation of Gaza either.  I do not expect Gazans to roll over and play dead for Israel’s benefit or for the benefit of a U.S. president who has his head up his ass.

The real issue isn’t whether Israel has a right to attack Gaza.  The issue is how to get at the root causes of this conflict and resolve it.  F-16s, drones, targeted assassinations and helicopter gunships only kick the football farther down the road, as Mitt Romney so aptly put it (who’d have ever thought that Obama would actually follow a Mideast policy outlined by Romney).

Obama says he’s opposed to an Israeli invasion not because many Gazans will be killed (he clearly doesn’t care about that) but because Israelis will die.  Have you ever heard anything so callous?  Yes, I suppose in all the history of this conflict there have been far more callous statements.  But by a U.S. president?  Not so many.

Barack Obama: go to Hell.  You don’t give a damn.  You don’t have a moral bone in your body.  Give back that Nobel Peace Prize.  You don’t deserve it. In fact, you’ve pissed on it and turned it from gold to (cast) lead.

netanyahu election war(Guardian, Steve Bell)

Former Israeli national security advisor Gen. Giora Eiland, on the other hand, made anamazingly forthright statement about what should be the outline for a fair resolution of the current impasse in Gaza.  For that reason, of course, it will be ignored by those in power.  But it still deserves a fair hearing:

“Israel’s bottom line interest toward Gaza is a security issue – that they won’t fire at us,” said Eiland, who also served as the head of Israel’s National Security Council. “Consequently, if we can reach an arrangement, it’s preferable to give ground on certain political issues in exchange for a better security arrangement.”

This sort of agreement would include “a mutual cease-fire and an Egyptian guarantee of not just quiet, but also that no weapons will enter Gaza,” Eiland said, adding that “this arrangement would be guaranteed by additional parties, for example, Qatar and Turkey.”

Among the political compromises that could be made in exchange for such a security arrangement, Eiland listed lifting the naval blockade of Gaza “so that the European Union member countries could send under supervision dinghies into Gaza’s port.”

Eiland also suggested that Israel recognize Gaza as a state under Hamas’ rule. “This is a country a ruled by an elected government and I expect that this government will act in a responsible manner, like a state would,” Eiland said.

“It’s not enough to say ‘Hamas will surrender,’” Eiland continued. “We need to give something, if not to Hamas, then to others. It’s impossible to reach a point where one side will surrender. Sometimes we become captive to slogans like ‘We won’t talk with Hamas.’ I say the opposite. It’s a fact that Hamas rules Gaza and that Gaza is a state. We need to recognize this and utilize the advantages this situation presents.”

The thinking is that if Israel recognizes Hamas as ruler of Gaza, it will place the onus on the Islamist group to run Gaza and fully control what happens there.  In effect, Eiland is saying to make Hamas put their money where their mouth is: you want to rule this place–do it.  And if you don’t, we and the world community who are enforcing this agreement will hold you accountable.

There is also a strategic element to his thinking that is unspoken.  If Israel breaks Palestine into two entities, then Palestinian strength and aspirations for statehood will be even more fragmented than they are now.  Hamas will have less interest in creating a coalition government with Fatah because it will control its own fiefdom in Gaza.  The West Bank and Gaza may be permanently severed.  That part of Eiland’s strategy is pernicious in the long-term.  But it doesn’t mean that much of what he’s saying wouldn’t make things better than they are now in Gaza itself.

I can’t tell you how refreshing this breeze is.  It’s a bit of truth.  And coming from a general bristling with medals and lots of dead Israeli enemies under his belt.  This is not some peacenik or “Arab lover.”  This is the very same dude who whitewashed the Mavi Marmara massacre on behalf of the IDF, for whom he investigated it.

I do have to say though that there’s a strange dynamic at work in Israeli politics: when you’re an official and within the system, you lie and say things that make you and your country sound like an idiot.  When you leave the system, all of a sudden you become a seer and things you didn’t appear to know or couldn’t say come tripping off your tongue.  The same phenomenon occurred with Ehud Olmert after he resigned his prime ministership. While he was in office he tried to sell Mahmoud Abbas a bill of goods in the guise of a legitimate peace agreement.  After he left, he called the settlements a cancer eating at Israel’s insides.

So some of this may be at work in Eiland’s change of heart, if you can call it that.  But who cares?  Truth is truth whether it comes from a sane person or a mad man.

Something further that is interesting here is that Eiland is making these statements–ones that cut to the heart of the weakness of Israel’s “mowing the grass” approach to Gaza–only five days after the start of hostilities and even before the expected invasion.  In other words, the general is already saying the emperor has no clothes.  The way this usually works is that the critics wait until a few weeks in after the soldiers and civilians have started dying in significant numbers.  That’s the time when the body politic becomes more receptive to such contrarian thinking.  So Eiland is bucking this trend and deserves credit for doing so.

al dalou gaza massacre

When you read the following you will understand my outrage directed against Barack Obama.  Today should be the Kfar Kana or the al-Samouni moment in this war.  The former was the tragedy during the 2006 war when Israel attacked a Lebanese village near a UN base killing scores of civilians.  After that atrocity, the war was essentially over though Israel didn’t realize it at the time.  My fear is that the murder of 12 Gaza civilians in a bombing that flattened a 3-story apartment building filled with civilians will not be enough of a tragedy to end this growing madness.  More of the innocent may have to die before the world tells Israel: Dayenu!

The al-Dalou family was sheltering in its home from the bombardment.  Earlier, two male family members had left to procure supplies because they feared an imminent invasion.  They survived.  Five women, four children (all between two and five years-old) and two men died.  One of the women was 81 years old:

Khalil al-Dallu screams. “They said Mohammed was alive!” he shouts as emergency workers pull the body of a young man from a Gaza City home levelled by an Israeli strike on Sunday.  His face quickly crumples into tears as the emergency staff tell him that his cousin is in fact dead — one of six members of the Dallu family killed when an Israeli missile struck the Nasser neighbourhood, flattening the three-story building where they lived.

“The whole family is martyred!” he cries, as the body of 35-year-old Mohammed al-Dallu is placed in an ambulance.

“What was the sin of the children and the infants, Israel?” he screams, raising his hands to the sky.

The emergency workers carry on with their grim task. By the time their work is done they have pulled 11 bodies from the pancaked building and others around it.  The body of Mohammed’s wife is also retrieved, as well as those of five of their children. The body of another woman, also a family member, is also pulled out although she is not immediately identified.

The strike has also killed two of their neighbours from the Muzzana family.

Mohammed’s father, Jamal, and his 17-year-old son Abdullah, are among the survivors. When the Israeli strike happened, they were out buying food to boost the family’s stocks because they feared an Israeli ground invasion.

Jamal leans on a bloody electricity pole for support, overwhelmed at the horror and loss in front of him, his relatives crowding around as pieces of his grandchildren are plucked from their former home.  Near hysterical with anger and sorrow, Ibrahim shouts: “Don’t tell his brother Abdullah, the trauma will kill him!”  The brother, 26-year-old Abdullah, is currently studying inTurkey to become a doctor.

…  Ahmed Hato, 13, is still dazed by the sudden death visited on the family.”I was playing with the sons of the neighbours at the entrance to the street. There was a huge explosion, the earth shook and dust and rocks went everywhere. I don’t know how, but I ended up on the ground and without injuries,” he says.

Ahmed’s father can’t watch the rescue efforts, and doesn’t answer his phone. Instead he cries openly for Mohammed, whom he saw just an hour before the strike.  Mohammed, a Hamas police officer, “was a good man, moral and kind to everyone,” he says. “Everyone loved him. His death is a huge loss for the family.”

It turns out, as it often does in these sorts of IDF incursions, that the IAF was trying to assassinate the head of Hamas’ rocket warfare unit, Yechiya Rabiah (must be the guy who took over from Dirar Abusisi after his “forced retirement” at the hands of the Mossad and Ukrainian intelligence), who lives nearby.  Ooops, they got the wrong house.  Another intelligence failure.  Only killed 12 innocent civilians as a result.  Terribly regrettable.  But if Rabiah would only do the IDF the favor of living in an open field so it could kill him cleanly, these sorts of things wouldn’t have to happen.  You know how that Hamas uses civilians as human shields.

What created even more bitter irony is that just as when it dropped a bunker buster bomb during the 2006 war on Hassan Nasrallah’s Beirut hiding place, the IDF crowed that it’d taken out yet another terrorist bad guy.  Turns out that Nasrallah and Rabiah are very much alive.  What do you say in the midst of such insanity: woops?

Even an IDF journalist-stenographer like Avi Issacharoff writing in Haaretz concedes the Gaza operation is “starting to get into trouble” because too many civilians are dying.  All I can say is boker tov buddy, civilians were dying from the first moment of the fighting.  It’s just that now they’re starting to pile up like cordwood.  But if Issacharoff wants to wake up only today on day six, it’s better than sleep walking through an entire war before realizing 1,400 Gazans have been slaughtered as happened during Cast Lead.

At what point does Barack Obama become moved enough, or boxed in enough by this suffering that he’s finally got to get off his ass and do something?

By the way, Israeli polls find that while 90% of Israelis support the Gaza war (only 16% support a ceasefire), only 46% support an invasion while 32% are opposed.  That’s a sizable minority viewpoint.


Posted: 11/19/2012 by Lynn Dartez in 2011, 2012, Christian, Feds, FEMA CAMPS

By Attorney Jonathan Emord
Author of “The Rise of Tyranny” and
Global Censorship of Health Information” and
Restore The Republic
November 19, 2012

Regulation, like the work of a boa constrictor, wraps itself around the American economy and restricts freedom of action, imposing costly burdens which threaten the survival of the American market. Federal bureaucracy coerces and cajoles every market player, diminishing freedom to invent, produce, and market, reducing consumer choice, and creating governmentally planned economies. In the Obama Administration, the federal agencies are headed by individuals predisposed to exercise control over markets and regulate them with a vengeance. Those individuals harbor grave suspicions about the private sector and think it prone to failure and abuse unless kept firmly under federal control. The economies produced as a result of regulatory enforcement are inefficient, failing to meet the best and highest uses. Those economies carry with them ever higher levels of unemployment and loss of private revenue. The bureaucratization of everything private is enslaving and progressively destroying all productive enterprise, particularly small and mid-sized businesses and new market entrants. The bureaucratization of everything is rapidly transforming previously vibrant markets into dull and dysfunctional ones that can neither innovate nor employ those with talent.

The squeeze is on with the federal government aiming to increase taxes on the most productive elements of society while simultaneously imposing economic burdens and limitations on free choice through thousands of federal rules and a new emphasis on enforcement against the non-compliant, including asset forfeitures, seizure actions, and civil and criminal prosecutions. While taxes take the wealth that would otherwise be saved, invested, or spent; regulations limit freedom of choice, increasing the cost of production, goods, and services, diminishing the profitability of every enterprise, and limiting consumer choice in the market. Regulations also impose significant barriers to market entry and force many firms out of existence, depleting wealth, eliminating opportunity, and adding to unemployment.

Since the start of the Obama Administration, there has been an 18% increase in the number of federal regulatory agencies; there has been a 13% increase in employment at the agencies. According to a Policy Backgrounder by Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow James L. Gattuso entitled “Red Tape Rising,” since 2009 the federal agencies have adopted 106 new “major” or “significant” regulations (i.e., those with an estimated economic impact of $100 million or more each) at an implementation cost of $11 billion and a combined added economic impact of $46 billion. The estimated annual cost to industry of regulations imposed by federal agencies is in excess of $1.8 trillion per year (an amount higher than the annual pre-tax corporate profits of American industry and a significant chunk of the nation’s $15 trillion annual GDP). Some 4,000 new regulations are wending their way through the federal agencies. Of those, some 224 are “major” or “significant” regulations, each imposing an economic impact in excess of $100 million.

It is remarkable to note that few, if any, of the new regulations will produce a measureable improvement in the health or welfare of Americans or in the environment. Ironically, the costliest regulations (those that do most to destroy jobs and businesses) are often ones that by reasonable standards of measure do little, if anything, to achieve the alleged government objective. There is no statutory requirement that the agencies prove the efficacy of their regulations as a condition precedent to their adoption and implementation. There is no statutory requirement that agencies eliminate regulations that increase unemployment or that contribute to the very harm they were allegedly designed to eliminate. There is no limit to the number or cost of regulations.

Since the Kennedy Administration, when Congress doled out $533 million to support the federal agencies, there has been a consistent growth in the number, size, and scope of regulatory power. Congress now expends in excess of $60 billion annually to keep the agencies running. There are over 250 of them regulating everything from tongue depressors to credit cards to power plants, refrigerators, and automobiles. There is no economic liberty right to be free of federal regulation regardless of how costly it is unless the regulation is so arbitrary and capricious as to be entirely irrational.

The regulatory agencies are headed by unelected officials who within their respective agency’s jurisdiction possess vastly more power, individually, than any single elected official. Those unelected agency heads promulgate regulations without a meaningful check on their discretion by the Courts, the Congress, or the American people. Fully nine-tenths of all federal laws now implemented are not the product of those we elect but are the products of the unelected heads of the federal agencies. That is rule by oligarchy. Consequently, the United States is in fact no longer a limited federal republic. It has become an unlimited bureaucratic oligarchy, a transformation I explain in detail in The Rise of Tyranny.

Federal regulations embrace virtually every aspect of the economy. Gattuso’s “Red Tape Rising” report for Heritage documents several recent costly regulations. For example, new Department of Labor “Wage Methodology for the Temporary Non-agricultural Employment H-2B Program” increases the minimum wage rate for foreign workers employed under an H-2B visa and will impose an estimated $847.4 million annually on the economy. New Environmental Protection Agency standards require adherence to more stringent power plant emission standards and will impose an estimated $846.3 million annually. Environmental Protection Agency regulations set new fuel efficiency and emissions standards for combination tractors, heavy-duty pickups and vans, and vocational vehicles and will impose an estimated $606.9 million annually.

Environmental Protection Agency regulations require adherence to more stringent standards on the performance and emission limits of solid waste incinerators and will cost $721.7 million to implement and $286.2 million annually. Other Environmental Protection Agency regulations require adherence to emission standards on commercial, institutional, and industrial broilers and will cost $5.2 billion to implement and $1.8 billion annually. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy regulations establish more stringent standards for home heating and cooling appliances and will cost an estimated $657.5 million annually. HHS Obamacare regulations requiring the establishment of new electronic transaction infrastructures will cost an estimated $547.5 million annually. The list goes on and on, adding hundreds of millions of dollars of burden each year to a beleaguered market with no limits imposed by Congress.

Environmental regulations are the costliest and most prolific followed by those coming from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration. Remarkably no serious effort has been made to repeal federal regulations by force of law or to prevent adoption of any that cause unemployment or force the closure of businesses. As with so many things in the world of politics, politicians deceive. The elected representatives mouth platitudes and issue promises about reducing overall spending, while the federal agencies left unregulated adopt regulation after regulation without regard to the resulting job and business losses.

At a time when the economy can least afford restrictions on freedom of choice and costly burdens, the regulatory agencies proceed as if affordability is entirely irrelevant. They proceed without regard to the foreseeable impact costly regulations have on job and business losses. Every work day somewhere in the United States a business or a person’s job ends due to the inability of a company to cope with regulatory burdens. Every work day some hapless business man or woman is forced to kow tow to the often unreasonable demands of a federal regulator, even if that means destroying huge amounts of inventory, relabeling all products, recalling perfectly safe products from the market, or reconstructing parts of a plant that have operated without incident for decades. As an attorney who has practiced administrative law for two and a half decades, I know well the enormously deleterious consequences that flow from unlimited regulatory power. That growth is destined to accelerate rapidly over the next four years. Many hundreds of businesses and many thousands of jobs will be lost. Given the persistent, decades long and pervasive lack of political stomach, selfless dedication to country, and brain power required to champion a reversal of the movement toward the bureaucratization of everything, we are worse off now than we were four years ago, and we will be worse off still four years hence.

© 2012 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Jonathan W. Emord is an attorney who practices constitutional and administrative law before the federal courts and agencies. Congressman Ron Paul calls Jonathan “a hero of the health freedom revolution” and says “all freedom-loving Americans are in [his] debt . . . for his courtroom [victories] on behalf of health freedom.” He has defeated the FDA in federal court a remarkable eight times, six on First Amendment grounds, and is the author of Amazon bestsellers The Rise of Tyranny, Global Censorship of Health Information, and Restore the Republic. He is also the American Justice columnist for U.S.A. Today Magazine. For more info visit



Grace Wyler
Business Insider
August 27, 2012

TAMPA, FLA. — Speaking on the eve of the Republican National Convention, Ron Paul reassured hundreds of ecstatic supporters at a rally here Sunday that the revolution he began is far from over.

“Let me tell you, I was a little afraid to come down here,” Paul told the crowd at his Sun Dome rally. “I wasn’t afraid of Hurricane Isaac. But there have been a lot of news headlines that say the Revolution is over….They’re saying the Revolution isn’t happening — they wish!”

It was likely to be one of the last speeches of Paul’s political career — the Texas Congressman’s presidential campaign will officially end when the Republican Party nominates Mitt Romney this week, and Paul is retiring from Congress at the end of this year. But he promised his legions of fans on Sunday that the movement will move forward, even in his absence.


A shocking Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that last week an “intense” battle erupted in the US State of Michigan between military forces loyal to the Obama regime and American rebels that killed at least 380 men, women and children who had gathered to oppose their nations slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship.

According to this report, nearly 500 people opposed to the Obama regime had assembled for a “clandestine” meeting in the Michigan country of Alpena in an effort to form a 50-State alliance of local law enforcement and political officers seeking to “turn the tide” of their nations path towards dictatorship even, should it be necessary, by armed force.

The FSB states in this report that hostilities erupted when the American rebel forces gathered at this meeting indentified “several” undercover FBI informants who were seeking to “escalate tensions” and arrested them whereupon, “within minutes,” a contingent of “heavily armed” Obama regime federal police forces attempted to, in turn, arrest these rebel leaders.

After a “prolonged skirmish” between these rebel forces and Obama regime federal police, this report continues, the US Military launched a series of airstrikes, the largest being a 2,000 lb laser guided bomb that hit in the middle of those gathered at this meeting killing over three quarters of them instantly.

To how powerful this blast was we can read as reported by a local Michigan reporter named Bob Powell who wrote: “At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman.”

Important to note is that this reporter was swiftly detained and arrested by Obama forces when he attempted to gather more information.

Over the next nearly 48-hours since the initial bomb drop upon the rebels, this report continues, Obama regime military forces “numbering in the high-hundreds” descended upon Michigan [photo 2nd left] utilizing nearly 85 combat transport helicopters and A-10 Thunderbolt air-to-ground missile equipped fighter aircraft.

Confirming the chaos of this battle we can, also, read as confirmed by the Natural Society News Service which, in part, says:

“Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick. The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked. One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistent, loud booms for the last hour or more.”

Russian nuclear experts contributing to this FSB report state that the elevated radiation levels associated with this attack by the Obama regime upon these rebel forces state that they were caused by the bombs used because they contain depleted uranium, and that there is the “strong likelihood” various other rebel areas of the States of Michigan and Indian may have been targeted too.

This FSB report further states that the “massive retaliation” against these rebels by the Obama regime was due to their having military grade weapons in which to defend themselves and their families.

In less than 48-hours, however, after this attack an “angry and livid” Obama regime put a clampdown on its programme that has supplied US local police forces with military weapons, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the Fox News Service:

“The Defense Department has stopped issuing weapons to thousands of law enforcement agencies until it is satisfied that state officials can account for all the surplus guns, aircraft, Humvees and armored personnel carriers it has given police under a $2.6 billion program, The Associated Press has learned.

The department’s Defense Logistics Agency ordered state-appointed coordinators in 49 states to certify the whereabouts of that equipment that has already been distributed through the long-running arrangement overseen by the agency’s Law Enforcement Support Office.”

This FSB report notes that the death toll they projected in this report is, indeed, an estimate, but further state that based on the number of body-bags requested by Obama regime forces in the aftermath of this battle it could even go higher.

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had detailed in our previous report “Russia Shocked After Thousands Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”, the Obama regime is operating completely within the law of the United States that now gives their President unprecedented powers to kill and imprison any citizen he so chooses without either evidence or trial, and even newer laws that allows the US government for the first time in its history to deliberately lie and deceive all of them for any reason whatsoever.

Why this cover story? For anyone who has been vaporized from radaition, killed or injured by debris, or eye-witnessed to the battle who have now disappeared, it will be said they were part of this rebel militia. Those with severe developing radiation symptoms will be “arrested” as dmestic terrorists under this story

We are Ted Nugent

Posted: 04/21/2012 by Lynn Dartez in 2012, Amendments, Dr. Manning, Feds, FEMA CAMPS, Gun Control
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A coalition of advocacy groups has begun a week of intensive protests against the latest attack on the free and open internet, The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). The draconian legislation would force companies to ignore existing privacy laws and share information with the federal governmen

IRS Fraud: There Is No Law That Requires You To File A 1040!

Do we have to pay income tax?

Aaron Russo exposes IRS fraud while meeting w/ Sheldon Cohen

Lumin Consulting
April 15, 2012

In the hopes of creating awareness of what CISPA actually is and how it could effect the lives of every day people, we created this infographic. Feel free to share the graphic on your site. You can find quotes from Fortune 500 CEO’s who are endorsing the bill here. You can also write a letter to your local representative to protest CISPA here.

CISPA Infographic by Lumin ConsultingInfographic designed by Lumin Consulting


By Chuck Baldwin
March 8, 2012

A few weeks ago, I said in this column, “It is far more important who is elected as your governor than who is elected President. It is far more important who is elected as your State attorney general than who is appointed US attorney general. It is far more important who is elected to your State legislature than who is elected to the US House and Senate. It is far more important who is elected as your sheriff than who is appointed as the Director of the FBI. But if all you watch is FOX News, CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC, you will be mesmerized with national politics, and you will forget about that which is the most important defender of our liberties: our individual state governments. In fact, in many cases today, our State and local governments are as abusive of our liberties as is the federal government. This is mainly due to the inattention and misunderstanding of the People as to the importance of electing local and State leaders who will accept, as their first responsibility, the maintenance of liberty for the people they represent. And by nature, that means being a faithful watchdog to the incursions of the federal government against our freedoms.”

See my column here.

I can’t stress enough that our liberties will be won or lost at the State level. All of the evil machinations that spew forth from that Cesspool By The Potomac would have absolutely no bearing upon or authority over our lives without the approbation of our State leaders. If our states had governors like Patrick Henry and State legislators and senators like Samuel Adams today, Washington, D.C., would not be the obnoxious bully that it is.

And let’s face it: some states are better positioned to reclaim their lawful jurisdictional authority than other states. Furthermore, I am personally convinced that all it would take would be for three or four states to draw their “line in the sand” and a host–maybe even a majority–of other states would quickly follow suit. And I further believe that my home State of Montana is uniquely poised to be one of those states.

The problem in Montana, however, is similar to that of most states: the “good-old-boy,” “politics-as-usual,” “scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours” politicians are ensconced in the State political infrastructure. And it’s going to take some political dynamite to blast them out! And that dynamite is a courageous constitutionalist (or better yet, a host of courageous constitutionalists) who is not afraid to take on these arrogant elitists and restore the principles of liberty to their states. In short, the status quo has to go!

And I want to let readers know that there is an epic battle underway right now in Montana that is both a microcosm and precursor of the battle that is raging nationally. In fact, this political duel might be the most important fight in the State of Montana this year. And because of Montana’s leadership in the national fight for freedom, it must be regarded as one of the most important political duels in the country.

I’m talking about the race for Montana State Senate District Three. The incumbent is the personification of the word RINO. This neocon is the bane of liberty and constitutional government. In fact, he is quoted as having told a gathering of local Republicans a few days ago, “We are NOT constitutionalists; we are NOT freedom-fighters.” Pray tell, Senator, if you are not willing to support and defend the Constitution, if you are not willing to support and defend freedom, what in Hades are you doing in public office?

This man comes from a long-established Montanan family with a good reputation in the State. Unfortunately, he has used that reputation to vault himself to the State senate. Name the issue and this Big Government toady is on the wrong side of it. He’s on the wrong side of the Second Amendment issue; he’s on the wrong side of the life issue; he’s on the wrong side of the less government and less taxes issue; he’s on the wrong side of the right to work issue; he’s on the wrong side of the State sovereignty issue; and he’s on the wrong side of the right of parents to educate their children via private or Christian education or homeschooling issue. And adding insult to injury, if this man is reelected this year, he will, in all likelihood, be elected Senate President, which means he will use his incredible power and influence to kill most of the good legislation that many of the noble house members and senators will bring forth next legislative term–not to mention the scores of RINOs and neocons that he will help place in key political positions around the State. This man simply must be defeated in the Republican primary, which takes place this June.

And the good news is that there is a courageous constitutionalist who is running against this neocon Neanderthal. His name is Rollan Roberts II. I’ve known Rollan for many years, and I can tell you that Rollan is as straight as a gun barrel on every single constitutional issue facing us today. He’s straight on the Second Amendment issue; he’s straight on the life issue; he’s straight on the private and Christian education and homeschooling issue; he’s straight on the State sovereignty issue; he’s straight on the constitutional government issue; he’s straight on the right to work issue; and he’s straight on the less government and less taxes issue. Rollan has the grit and determination of Ron Paul; he has the business acumen of Steve Forbes; and he has the look and polish of Ronald Reagan. Rollan Roberts is the real deal!

As you can imagine, Rollan is going up against a political MACHINE. These elitists have already attempted to threaten and intimidate Rollan by using very graphic language. They are making it their reason for getting up in the morning to defeat Rollan in the primary election. They know what is at stake. If Rollan can beat this Big Government elitist, their plans to dominate the State senate and thwart the noble efforts of the many constitutionalists, which are in the Montana House of Representatives, will be set back for years to come.

For all intents and purposes, Rollan has two months (sixty days) to win this senate seat. You see, a large number of Montanans vote via mail-in ballot, and these ballots are distributed on the first of May. So, Rollan has the months of March and April to upset this elitist RINO. And I’m telling you: Rollan has a VERY GOOD CHANCE of succeeding. A lot of Montanans see through his opponent and are working and praying for Rollan’s success.

I am asking all of my readers, if you believe in constitutional government, if you believe in State sovereignty, if you want to help a man who is uniquely poised to make a difference, not only in the State of Montana, but in the entire country as well, please consider helping Rollan Roberts II win this State senate seat. If every reader sends a $20 contribution to Rollan’s election campaign, this just might put him over the top. Will you help?

Rollan’s campaign website.

Again, time is of the essence! Rollan only has two months to win this race. If he wins the primary, he will most assuredly win the general election in November, as this senate district is heavily Republican. In fact, as of this writing, I haven’t even heard of a Democrat who has filed for this seat.

Will you prayerfully consider helping Rollan Roberts? If I didn’t know this man as I do, I would not use this column to ask readers to support him.

Ladies and gentlemen, when we find good constitutionalists who are running for public office, we need to do everything we can to support them. If you know of such people who are running for public office in your State and community, please support them. As I said, our liberties will be won or lost at the State level!

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link.

© 2012 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded. He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He and his wife, Connie, have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Chuck and his family reside in the Flathead Valley of Montana. See Chuck’s complete bio here.


The Spectacle Blog

By on 3.7.12 @ 12:45PM

In an extraordinary development reported exclusively by Dan Riehl over at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government, the Democrats’ deliberate refusal to accept Rush Limbaugh’s apology, coupled with the President’s attack on Rush, has fueled a stunning surge in death threats against the conservative champion.

The American left, its proclivity for violence well demonstrated over the centuries from riots over race, labor, Vietnam and Occupy Wall Street to specific assassinations such as that of President John F. Kennedy by Communist and pro-Castro activist Lee Harvey Oswald, has now been stirred to talk of violence against Limbaugh.

The threats also comes in the wake of a left-wing drive to intimidate Limbaugh sponsors.

Limbaugh’s audience will doubtless be even further infuriated by the news of the physical threats, captured in screen saves by Riehl. As reported here at the Daily Caller, Carbonite — which officiously withdrew as a Limbaugh sponsor and then was revealed to be headed by contributor and leftist businessman David Friend — has seen its stock plummet, its infuriated conservative customers dumping the product in droves.

Media Matters has tried, in typical style, to fuel the impression sponsors are abandoning Limbaugh in droves with stories like this.

The story is a deliberate lie. Limbaugh opened his program today explaining the inside baseball of radio advertising. There is a difference between local advertisers, whose dollars do not go to Limbaugh at all, and national advertisers — like Carbonite. Media Matters — and I debated Media Matters’ guy Eric Bohlert yesterday on KQED in San Francisco — deliberately misleads, and knows it, since it surely understands the difference in revenue streams between local and national advertisers.

Limbaugh also announced that new national sponsors are lining up to replace those who left — and notably, that there are at least two who want back in. In fact are “begging” to do so.

Get ready for some surprises.

Doubtless this backlash against Carbonite and others comes from the furious reaction of Rush’s audience.

The Rally for Rush continues. And it’s working.